Chapter 14

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Shockwave seethed the entire car ride into the city, parking his car somewhere he would be able to find later. It must have been visible how irate he was because anyone he encountered in the twisted alleys gave him a wide berth.

Dabi might have bought into his resigned nature, but truthfully he had fully been planning on enjoying his morning, hopefully with Dabi inside him.

There was still no word of Kurogiris whereabouts, and Shockwave had all but given up on getting anything out of Shigaraki about the warp gate. Which was fine, it wasn't as if Shockwave needed to know anything about anyone. Dabi had been right, he was a glorified guard dog that heeled when commanded. The thought made Shockwave gnash his teeth as he stormed up to the warehouse the league was hiding in.

Someone else was here.

Shockwave paused behind the tree line as he spotted a man in an oddly long mask, he slipped through one of the doors they hadn't sealed, looking over his shoulder. Something was wrong. The gladiators skin crawled. Whoever he had just seen, wasn't invited.

He started running.

When Shockwave slammed open the door to the warehouse without ceremony, it was raining red. Which he quickly realized was blood. It was chaos.

Underneath the shower of claret knelt a man in a green and purple lined coat, and a pair of legs missing their upper half fell to the ground before him with a thump. Shockwave took a sharp breath as Toga let out a shrill scream. Magne was dead. Clearly murdered, and now Compress was leaping from the crate he had been sitting on. Everyone was moving too fast, and he had just gotten there.

Shockwave rocketed across the warehouse space, propelled by a large detonation set off from his fingertips. Compress was still fast enough to reach the perpetrator on his own, even at Shigaraki's command to wait. When the magician fell back, leaking copious amounts of blood from the hole his arm was previously occupying, the gladiator descended.

The stranger barely rolled out of the way in time, quickly getting to his feet as Shockwaves impact rippled through the air. When the villain angled his fingers towards him, he shouted. "Shield!"

Barely fast enough, someone sporting a similarly beak-shaped mask materialized in front of the attacker, taking the blow meant for him. They all watched as the violet lights collided with the man with such force- The resounding sound of several bones cracking echoed in the space. Magne's killer watched with wide eyes as his underling fell to the floor, his chest oddly concave.

When Shockwave took a step back to fully place himself in front of Shigaraki, he felt a miniscule jab on his shoulder as something attempted to pierce his skin. Glancing down to see Shigaraki picking up what looked like a small dart, he slipped it into his pocket. A heavy rumble permeated the air as the wall to the warehouse was busted through by a group of men all wearing those bird masks.

Shigaraki narrowed his eyes from behind gray fingers, "I see... Shockwave, stand down." Shockwave snapped his head towards their leader, brow creased, but he didn't object. Rippling patterns of mottled purple light sank back beneath his skin.

"Wait a second," Twice cried out, "I was sure we weren't being followed!"

"Someone's quirk," Shigaraki stared down the attacker who was dusting himself off vigorously from the other side of the warehouse.

"I had hoped it wouldn't come to this," The assailant shook himself, causing the fur of his jacket to fluff. "You won't be able to make a level-headed judgment like this. We've both lost today, let's stop here for now." Shockwave clenched his jaw, watching the opposing party carefully. "You're down an arm though... Sorry about that."

Shockwave | MHA | Dabi/Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now