Chapter 11

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They had slept for the rest of the day after Shockwave explained what the Eden club was, and at what times it operated. A club for those of the Underworld, living on the underbelly of hero society. Shockwave had tested many of the bouncers of the club in the arena, even being introduced to the owner at one point by Giran. Shockwave was a familiar face, easily recognizable by the club goers.

Dabi had chosen a loose black dress shirt that had only been buttoned above his navel, loosely tucked into dark wash pants that were folded above his heavy black boots, with several extra pieces of silver jewelry. His hand ran through his hair uneasily, the rings glinting along with his staples. "Are you sure I won't be recognized like this?"

"Shit." Shockwave had almost choked upon seeing Dabi round the corner from the hallway, setting his second cup of coffee for the night down. "You look good."

Dabi took a moment to respond, startling eyes sweeping over Shockwave in turn. One of his staples sank into his cheek, like he was biting the inside of it. "...Thanks." He watched as Shockwave twisted to rinse his mug into the sink. His shirt was clinging to his skin, showing the angle of his waist to his hips where his dark pants hung lowly. It was missing sleeves, only wrapping around his neck. Several black chains hung over the many pockets in his pants. Dabis staples sank in further.

"Nobody will care even if they do recognize you. Only people like us go to Eden, this is a chance to scope out new recruits," Shockwave shot a look to the pyro, who shrugged his shoulders like he wasn't referring to his tendency to set fire first ask questions later.

"We have to park pretty far from the entrance," Shockwave placed his mug on a drying rack. "So it's a bit of a walk, but it's dark, late, and no one will bother us-," He paused in grabbing his keys from the hook. "Did you plan on drinking tonight?"

"Sure," Dabi had never drank in his life, maybe the odd bottle when he was scrounging for food. Never enough to inebriate him, but he wasn't about to look like a coward in front of Shockwave. Part of him was still internally reeling at the fact that he would willingly go to this club that was apparently a stomping ground for the league of villains member.

The other part was distracted by all the divets the shirt clinging to Shockwaves midriff showed off. Distracted by the lines heading past the belt that was slung low haphazardly.

"Nice," Shockwave unlocked his car as they walked to it. "This place makes great jaeger bombs. They mix some kind of energy drink into it. My car has a self driving feature for this reason."

Dabi didn't know what a jaeger bomb was and he didn't ask as they began to drive into the city. The sky was dark, clouds blocking out the moon and smothering the world in thick darkness. Perfect.

The streetlights passed over the car in waves, the pyros chin rested on his hand as he watched the city roll by. He glanced over at the gladiator beside him, "How does your quirk work?"

Shockwaves hands strayed from their 10 and 2 position, shrugging. "I never really cared about the logistics of it. I guess I steal the power from the hits people try to throw at me. My muscles hold onto it until I release it back."

Dabis eye twitched minutely at the lack of regard Shockwave has for his quirk. It was a complete opposite from the way he was raised. "How long can you hold onto the energy?"

The gladiator had to think about it, glancing into his rear view mirror as he pulled into a parking spot on a deserted street. "It really depends on the amount of power behind the hit. All Might might have killed me if I hadn't acted on reflex to rebound his power. But regular hits I can hold for months, maybe longer."

"No wonder you pick a lot of fights," Dabi said, his voice was always so rough and low. "It must help you're practically invincible."

Shockwave barked a laugh as they got out of the car, locking it and leading them down the street. "Yeah... Almost."

Their shoes thudding against the concrete echoed against the deserted building walls. The street lamps dim and in need of replacement, an echo of a bygone era. Shockwave led Dabi around several blocks, he wasn't kidding when he said it was a bit of a walk. But after a couple minutes, he pointed out a set of steps hidden in an alley leading down.

"Walking back is gonna be fun," Shockwave snorted, carefully trotting down the narrow and steep walkway. The entrance to Eden was a dingy metal door, illuminated by a single dim porch light.

Shockwave stepped up with all the confidence of someone who had been here multiple times. Dabi hovered behind in apprehensively, like he was expecting an ambush at any moment. Knocking on the door thrice, Shockwave took a step back once the little window on the door slid open. He gave what was likely a very toothy grin, and the door swung open.

The bouncer was a very burly and large man, with two small red horns peeking out of his forehead. He jerked his head inside, to a small hallway with another door at the end. "Head on in." The man barely gave Shockwave another glance, and when Dabi walked by he only nodded.

The pyros shoulders relaxed a little.

The music was beginning to thud loudly as they drew closer. Almost drowning out all other sounds when Shockwave pulled the door open. "Remember," He leaned in closer to Dabi as they stepped into the underground. "Tonight's not so much about recruiting fighters as it is recruiting sponsors. But mostly we're just here to have fun. Because the first part of getting to know people like this is to let them see your face."

Before Dabi could protest, Shockwaves hand snaked around his and began pulling him in a beeline towards the bar. The pyro dumbly let himself be dragged as they weaved around the various club goers. There were two empty seats at the bar and Shockwave hopped into one with ease.

Not having much of a choice, Dabi slid into the seat next to him, eyes standing out against the dark as he swept over the club. The lights were non existent, broken only by the occasional sweep of a strobe. Dozens of people littered the space in the floor, swaying to the dark and slow beats of the music, there was something strangely eerie underneath the tone. But no one was paying any attention to them yet.

"Ay-oh, Hai!" Shockwave slammed both his palms on the counter, standing on the step of the barstool to lean over. "What's it take to get a drink around here!" Dabi could easily hear his familiar cackle over the music.

"I will literally gut you like a fish," The bartender came around the corner, slinging a towel onto the bar as he came to lean over them. He was exceptionally tall, limbs slender underneath the plain black tee he wore. "Shockwave, did you come here just to harass me or did you want something to drink?"

"Can I get two peach jaeger bombs," Shockwave held up his hand with a grin. "Extra peach shot in mine please."

"Alright, you pansy," Hai set two glasses down on the counter. "I know you hate tasting your alcohol."

"Damn right," The gladiator watched him pop open two cans to pour into the glasses. Dabi folded his arms on the bar top, tucking the parts of his scars on his hands underneath, his eyes shifted to Shockwave sideways. Two glass shots of jaeger followed the peach drink with a soft plop. "I'm here to have fun."

"Speaking of fun," Hai leaned closer to Shockwave, he couldn't help but send a glance at Dabi. "How long is this one hanging around?"

Even in the faint light, Dabi could see the tips of Shockwaves ears burn red, the space under his eyes also darkening. He looked across to the pyro slyly, the glass resting on the edge of his lips, "Hopefully awhile... He's kinda shy though, so who knows how long it'll take." The pyro's face revealed absolutely nothing, and Shockwave cursed him for having such a good poker face.

"How long is the record?" The bartender asked with a bit of mirth. "Two weeks?"

"Hey," The gladiator complained with a whine, "It's not my fault that guy turned out to be an ass."

Hai rolled his eyes, beginning to tend to the rest of his bar. "You have terrible taste in men. Oh," He tapped a finger against Shockwaves hand still resting on the bar top. "If you forget your tab, I will hunt you down."

"Aye, aye," Shockwaves hand glowed briefly in the spot before fading. He tipped his head back and let the drink slide to the back of his throat with ease.

Dabi had been watching him keenly the whole time. Shy? No, he definitely wasn't... Shockwave was the shy one. His long fingers circled the rim of the glass experimentally before grabbing it and bringing it to his mouth. It smelled a lot like peach, but there was a strong undertone of something heavier and bitter. He could feel Shockwaves eyes on him as he sipped lightly. When he immediately cringed at the taste, Shockwave laughed.

"You can't sip this, Dabi," He said his name gently, casually, friendly. "Don't let it linger on your tongue."

The pyro only grumbled, swallowing the taste in his mouth. When he brought the glass back up, he was quick to down it in one gulp.

Shockwave had fully swiveled to face him, one arm propped on the bar top to rest his head on. His grin was impish, eyes slightly hooded, the flush on his face hadn't lifted. "You get used to it pretty quick."

"That wasn't that bad," He stated quietly, so reserved... Meeting Shockwave's eyes with ease, his tongue darted out and swiped his scarred bottom lip. It could have been mistaken as a trick of the light, but Shockwave's heart thudded loudly.

"Oh," He snorted lightly. "It took me a while to get used to it."

"I thought you came here a lot," Dabi leaned further against the bar, picking up the seltzer bottle Hai had dropped off in front of them. "Looks like the bartender is pretty familiar with your order."

"Well I've certainly been going here a long time," The gladiator nodded. "Longer than most people last."

"And how have you lasted so long?"

His teeth flashed in the dark as he leaned forward, Dabi inhaled discreetly, "You said it yourself earlier. I'm practically invincible."

The pyro hadn't leaned back, Shockwave could have sworn he was inching closer. "You keep saying 'practically', but not completely." The villain was taller than him even sitting, managing to look down with heavy eyes. "So there are things you're vulnerable to?"

Shockwave clicked his tongue, "The only one I have the most trouble with..." He looked directly into Dabi's eyes, "...Is fire."

Of course, Dabi already knew that, he had seen the clips of Shockwave's fights against Endeavor. He would always leave after being singed a couple times, bounding across buildings and sliding through the narrow passageways that Endeavor always struggled to find him in. At first, when Shockwave had begun gaining traction, he panicked; thinking someone was going to kill Endeavor before he could. But then he realized the villain was using the bids placed on him as revenue. It was the same way heroes relied on crime for their revenue, he wouldn't kill his source of income.

The pyro tilted his head and Shockwave watched the pointed fluff of his hair sway with the motion. For once, Dabi was looking directly back at him, not somewhere far off in the distance. "So you know I could hurt you?"

The gladiators answer was a coy smile, "I do. Did you consider that I might like that?"

His mouth opened just the slightest amount, the only sign that he was taken back. Shockwave scooted even closer, "Did you consider that maybe being invincible is boring? And that makes you interesting."

Dabi's hand was suddenly at Shockwave's waist, fingers curled. The gladiators grin just reappeared, taking another swing from the third seltzer Hai had passed to them. When the villain attempted to pull the smaller man closer, he only succeeded in setting off a glow that shined through the fabric. Shockwave tsked teasingly, "Ask me for a dance at least."

Shockwave | MHA | Dabi/Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now