Chapter 5

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It was mid August, and the cool summer night air was wafting over the exposed parts of Shockwave's costume. That was what the getup was, as much as Shigaraki liked to call it "tactical gear." He just called it as it is.

The rest of the Vanguard was standing behind him as he knelt, surveying the spread of forest trees below the cliff they had convened. Like him, each of them wore gear an underworld manufacturer had built specifically for them. Toga complained loudly about it, sounding just like a regular school girl. Shockwave paid little attention to her, trying to figure out the best way to go about this.

A month ago, he had finalized a stack of files for members of this squad. Several quirks that could be the most useful to them in the long run, whatever that was. Even if the quirks were attached to some unsavory people he had to keep in line. Shigaraki had little to do with them, saying he was delegating this mission mostly to Shockwave, preferring to command from the bar. Shockwave just wanted to get this over with at the fastest pace, eager to go home. After evaluating each member, he found Dabi to be of the most sound judgment, much to his excitement. Promoting him to a sort of second in command, if just to take a load of decision making off his back.

Shigaraki had decided to target the summer training camp of those U.A. students, a safer bet this time. Rather than charging head first into the heart of a hero training school. The more Shockwave reflected on it, the more it became obvious their initial attack was doomed to fail. Which meant they knew what to avoid this time. They got lucky last time just losing the nomu.

"Just let me at them already!" Muscular demanded, "I'm all riled up!"

"Shut up, psychopath," Dabi snapped, tossing a glare over his shoulder before turning his attention back to the woods.

Shockwave's knees creaked as he stood back up, turning to head back to the rudimentary camp they had set up on the edge. "It's too early now, we'll wait until they're spread out."

The Vanguard slowly filed away to await their next instructions. He had told them not to build any fires, the smoke basically a big sign that "Hey! We're villains! We're here to fuck your shit up!" So they hunkered down, too riled to sleep, after all this was a group that was used to the odd sleepless night here and there. Shockwave had to admit their odds were much higher this time. Before the rows of toothless punks were almost laughable, but these people he could actually hold a bit of respect for their abilities. One in particular...

"I like your piercings." Shockwave spoke up, causing Dabi's head to whip around from the tree he was leaning against. The second in command seemed the most wary of him, as if he suddenly blurt out that he had some relation to Endeavor. He had been keeping a distant yet watchful eye on him. Shockwave had taken a spot atop a fallen log, he tapped the side of his ear with a small smile. Maybe he was just a sucker for guys with an emo aesthetic, but the pyro was fascinating to him. In any matter, Dabi just turned back around and ignored him.

"Hey, now," He slid off the log, walking over with easy strides. "That's just rude. Come on, I wanna talk about this gameplan more." Reluctantly, Dabi was forced to follow behind him. They wandered into the woods a little out of the others line of sight.

"I'm not here to make light conversation," Dabi ground out, distancing himself as much as possible.

Shockwave looked at him, unimpressed, it was too easy pushing his buttons. "That's too bad... I guess I'll have to go make conversation with someone else... I guess Toga loves gossip as much as the next person."

"You wouldn't fucking dare," A hint of deadly anger broke through his usual cold and detached tone.

Shockwave just threw his hands in the air with exasperation, "No shit. I don't care enough for that," Dabi relaxed minutely as he continued. "I wanted your opinion on using Twice's quirks. I was thinking I'll lead the head on diversion with the teacher while you maintain command from the rear. Your quirk is suited for long range, right?"

Shockwave | MHA | Dabi/Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now