Chapter 7

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Having Dabi as a roommate was about what Shockwave expected.

He had walled himself in the spare bedroom without saying much else, figuring out on his own where the bathroom was. The pyro belayed his surprise and confusion when he was awoken the next morning by the riotous caterwauls of several angry chickens.

He could hear Shockwave cursing loudly as he stormed out of his room, yelling something about it "not being his fault that he slept in" and that he'd feed "you sluts" in a minute.

Against his better judgment, Dabi poked his head out of his room to the most peculiar sight.

Shockwave stomped around his small kitchen in a fluffy bathrobe, his hair pulled out of his eyes with a ridiculous scrunchie. And a very round chicken, riding around on his shoulders.

The arena fighter dumped what looked like coffee from the day before into a mug followed by a generous helping of creamer before running out the back door. Not even realizing the villain was standing at the hallway entrance.

Dabi could hear the screams of several chickens grow louder at the sight of their owner, who dashed out the door to something out of view.

When Shockwave ran back in, looking mightily disheveled, he finally realized the new occupant was awake. Dabis face was incredulous, "You have chickens?"

"Everybody has their hobbies," He answered defensively, shooing the one off his shoulder and inhaling the mug he was still clutching in one gulp. "Mine just happened to be feathered."

"You're..." Dabi watched him brew a fresh pot, taking the scrunchie out and shaking his hair back down. "So weird."

"Mm," He made a noise of agreement into his fresh cup. Twirling a finger languidly, "Says you. We're not exactly stable upstanding citizens."

Pointedly ignoring that, Dabi walked by him to poke his nose into the fridge, Shockwaves own nose wrinkled slightly. He'd definitely have to address that at some point. When he could figure out how to do it delicately. "I don't really cook breakfast foods, unless you want eggs."

"I'm not picky," The villain muttered, deciding to not grab anything at all as he backed up and glared at Shockwave from across the kitchen. The other man was still just leaning against the countertop, one fuzzy slipper crossed over the other as he nursed the steaming mug.

Shockwave did not take kindly to being stared at with open hostility in his own home, he raised one brow. "What?"

"What's the catch?" Dabi asked bluntly, clearly uninformed of things like good faith gestures. "Why on earth would you let a stranger into your home. Clearly you value it."

It was the wrong thing to say apparently, although he didn't look too intimidating wearing fuzzy slippers and bathrobe; Shockwave's eyes hardened at the words. Only for a moment, as he thought of what to say. "That's the point. Clearly you value your secret. Your relation to Endeavor, I'm guess you're his son? I'm sure a simple news report search would confirm if Endeavor had a dead or missing kid." He tilted his head a little, smiling with sadistic obliviousness. "How old are you again?"

Setting this entire place ablaze was sounding real enticing to Dabi all of the sudden, but Shockwave continued before he did. "My point is, you wanted to keep a watch on me, right? To make sure I don't blab," He gestured with his mug around the house. "And now you have something I value as well. It just so happens its a place you can keep an eye on me. Plus, I didn't lie last night, I think you're interesting."

The villain didn't respond at first, folding his arms while he mulled over the probability of this man being serious. Having a stable place to stay that was pretty far off the radar did make his life easier. Even if he did have to share the space with someone that would consistently poke him with questions, or could throw him out at any given whim if he was suddenly not interesting. "If you already have me figured out. What's makes me so interesting to you?"

"I feel like a broken record," Shockwave rubbed at his temples. "And I haven't even finished my third cup of coffee. Dude, what else do I need to say to make you less fucking paranoid." He only got a scathing glare in return, "I just find you..." He searched for the right word, "Cool."

Shockwave | MHA | Dabi/Male OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang