Chapter 10

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"It's too fucking hot for this thing." Dabi pulled roughly at the black rain coat Shockwave had given him. The collar zipped all the way up past his chin.

"You'll only be outside for a minute," Shockwave handed him a ball cap that smooshed down his unruly dark hair. A matching ensemble with the black mask and sunglasses. "There, now you only look a little suspicious." Dabi looked like he wanted to bite his hand, but said nothing.

The pyro had agreed to let Shockwave take him outside, not trusting the man to pick out his clothes. He was on edge when they got in the car, blasting the AC although summer was beginning to leak into fall. The nights becoming cooler and the sun setting sooner. "Are you sure a mall is smart idea?"

Shockwave only nodded, a surprisingly vigilant driver as he kept both hands clenched tightly to the steering wheel. "This place is always packed, trust me, everybody is too focused on themselves to even spare us a glance. We'll be quick."

It seemed to ease Dabi's anxiety a little bit, he shuffled in his seat. It wasn't until they pulled into the parking garage, driving all the way to the top level, that his hands clenched. Trust me...

Shockwave noticed this, turning the car off. "...It's not too late to back out, but you are in need of new cloths."

"I still don't know why you're doing this," He muttered, pulling his mask up closer to his eyes.

"I already told you," The gladiator stepped out of the car, peering over the top of the car to his companion. "I like you Dabi. Is it so hard to comprehend that I can be generous to the people I like?"

"Yes," He answered bitterly, trailing slightly behind, hands in his coat pockets as they passed through the doors. Shockwave didn't take it too heart, already guessing that he hadn't experienced much kindness in his life.

Shockwave gave a polite nod to the security guard as they walked by, slowing his pace to make sure Dabi walked beside him. The mall was always teeming with people, it was easy to lose someone in the crowds. "Come on, I have a store in mind to start at and you can decide if you like the style or not."

Thankfully the pyro had stopped fighting him on the topic, eyes sweeping all the entrances and exits as they walked. He stayed close to Shockwave, his arm bumping into his shoulder multiple times, trying to avoid everyone else.

"Here we go," Shockwave pointed inside a dimly lit store, multiple shelves blocking off most of the space from view. It was perfect for him. "Go crazy."

"I just need some new shirts," Dabi muttered, ducking inside.

"And some pants," The gladiator followed after him, picking up a pair with white stitching on the sides. "We can also stop at the department store for stuff like socks."

The pyro didn't respond, flicking through the hangers rapidly. Every now and then grabbing the plainest shirt he could find. He didn't complain about the fact that Shockwave was buying him things, just wanting to get out of the mall as soon as possible. He even grabbed three pairs of pants in a better size than the ones he was wearing right now. The hem of the legs stopping just short of his ankles. Shockwave was waiting by the jewelry section, eyeing the many studs and bars. He had an employee open the case for him to grab a plain silver bar with a light blue jewel on the end, having an idea. Dabi came up beside him, arms full of fabric.

"All set?" He asked the taller man, setting it down for the cashier. "That'll be all. Thanks." Shockwave only glanced at the total before withdrawing several cash bills from his wallet and accepting the change. It certainly wasn't cheap, but these clothes would last Dabi awhile. As long as he didn't set them on fire.

Shockwave | MHA | Dabi/Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now