Jungwon pov:"Lee Heeseung." He said, looking firmly into my eyes.
"I believe we last saw each other at y/n's competition?" He asked. I could tell he wasn't in the mood for a 'nice' conversation by his tone.
"Right...I'm Yang Jungwon." I said, taking my hand out for a shake. He looked down at my hand and back up to me.
"What were you doing in my dorm?" He asked. I put my ignored hand into the pockets of my black sweatpants.
His dorm?
"Wait, you live here?" My eyes widened as the corners of his lips curved as his answer.
"So, what did you do to y/n?" Why is he asking me so many questions? Damn.
"Nothing." I said flatly.
"I don't believe you. Did you touch her? Because if you did, I swear to god-" He said, stepping up closer to me. He was a few inches taller than me, I had to lift my head up a bit to keep eye contact.
"What? Are you crazy? I'm not that kind of person." I got a bit offended and stepped back and started walking around and past him, making sure to slightly hit his shoulder.
"Hey!" He yelled. I stopped and sighed before I turned around.
"I better not see you, Yang Jungwon, near y/n again."
"Whatever." I said, and walked out into the stairwell to leave the building.
What is wrong with that guy? Does he and y/n have a thing?
She could do better than him.
Y/n pov:
I felt a strong light hit my eyes as I fluttered them open. I turned my head to see what was trying to wake me up. An incoming call.
"Hello?" I said in a groaning voice.
"Where are you?!"
"Ugh, why are you fucking yelling? Are you trying to make me deaf?"
"Well, you better get down to the rink, or coach is seriously going to remove you from the team."
"What are you blabbing about? What time even is it?" I looked at my phone.
"Are you fucking kidding me?! I over slept."
"Yes, yes you very much did."
"Ugh, shut up Sunghoon. I'll be there in 5 minutes." I hung up as I threw myself out of bed. I completely forgot about morning practice today. How and why did I even sleep for so long?
"Okay guys, good job today. Y/n, I better not see you coming into practice late again, especially during competition season." Our coach said.
"Yes, ma'am." I said as I bowed.
I skated off the ice with Sunghoon to our locker. I went to change into my school uniform and Sunghoon did the same. I went and signed out of the rink and followed Sunghoon to walk to school.
"Y/n what happened? You're not the type to be late to any practice at all." He said staring at me with disappointment on his face.
"I don't even know. I don't even know why my head has been hurting all morning." I said.
"Oh! Maybe because of that party last night. I heard you drank a lot." He said laughing.
Me? Party? Drinking?
"What are you talking about? I would never go to a-" and suddenly I remember everything.
Black dress.
Lots of shots.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I said as I covered my face in my hands.
"I didn't know you had that side to you. I guess you're a light weight drinker." He said, smiling at me.
"Shut up. I just hope I didn't do any stupid shit. I've never been drunk before! Heck, I haven't even drank alcohol before." I said, whining to Sunghoon.
"Don't worry, you'll be fine. You were with, umm...Niki all night."
"Thanks, thats real assuring." I replied sarcastically.
We soon came up the court in front of the school when i noticed people staring at Sunghoon.
"Sunghoon, why is everyone staring at you?" I asked as we entered the school.
"Me?" He asked. He looked around him at the staring people.
"Y/n, they aren't staring at me. They're staring at you." He looked at me.
"What? Why?" I said, sounding a bit conscious. Sunghoon seemed to notice my change of mood and put his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him as we walked.
"I don't know, but I don't like it." He said firmly.
The bell soon rang as the teacher walked in and told everyone to be seated. As he was writing on the board, I noticed other class mates sharing glances at me.
I turned to Sunoo who sat next to me today.
"Sunoo, why is everyone staring at me?"
"You don't know?" He asked with a shocked expression. He pulled his phone out and showed me the screen. A video played of a girl dancing on a table with an unidentifiable figure and then puking on a bathroom floor.
"Who's that?" I asked.
"Y/n, how drunk were you last night?" He asked. I replied by shrugging my shoulders.
"Oh my god. Y/n thats you!"
"You're fucking kidding."
shorter chapter today :> im so tired good night

✓ the way i want you | 희승
Fanfiction"i know you. you don't act like how you're with me with just anyone." started : 2/22/23 ended : 3/9/24