"I have an important meeting to get to, just do your work and don't leave." The detention teacher said to the three of us as she got up and left.
I wondered why they were both in detention and why it had to be them two. It would make my life a little easier if I had just made up my school work when I was at home. Oh well, too late now. Guess I'm in here for the rest of the week.
The room was silent for a bit before Jake got up out of his seat. He pulled the chair out next to me and sat down.
"I didn't expect to see you here out of all places." He smiled at me.
"I've been in detention before."
"Really? Never seen you here." He replied.
I looked to my other side to quickly catch and glance at Heeseung. He had his AirPods in and wasn't really paying any attention to us.
"So, what are you doing here?" Jake caught my attention again.
"I just have a bunch of unfinished school work to do."
"You wanna come over later and work on it together?" He asked me.
His dorm? By ourselves? I don't know. I should listen to Sunghoon and forget about what had happened before. But a part of me wants to keep being close with Jake.
"I'll think about it." I smiled at him and got back to work.
Jake went on his phone for the rest of the time being. I kept taking glances over at Heeseung. I really wanted to talk to him again like we normally did all the time. I just needed a good time to apologize and hopefully everything will go back to normal.
I guess I stared at him for too long as I noticed he was staring back at me. My eyes averted back to my work as I heard him chuckle ever so lightly.
I smiled to myself again. He laughed. That means he isn't so mad at me?
"What are you smiling at?" Jake said to me.
"Oh, uh, nothing. What are you in detention for?" I quickly changed the subject.
"Skipping class." He leaned in closer to my ear.
"I heard Heeseung over there was caught vaping behind the field house." He whispered.
He- what?
I looked back over to Heeseung and found him sleeping, leaning against the back wall.
I didn't know he did that sort of stuff. It made me realize that I don't know much about him. I guess I never really took the time to get to know him. That thought made me feel even worse.
I know I'm only 17, but i, in fact, did vape too. No one knows about it, and no one plans to know about it. I'm not addicted or anything, I use it maybe once a week. Only when I'm really stressed out about something.
I have thought about quitting for good, but it's always just sitting in my room. One time, Jay found out and asked to use it sometimes. I know, not the best example, but he's my brother. We go through everything together.
I kept looking at Heeseung sitting so peacefully. He does that kind of stuff? He would never. Right?
"Y/n, wake up." I lifted my head up off my arms. I fell asleep while reading the essay I was working on earlier.
"Detention is over." Jake said resting his hand on my back.
I stood up, grabbing my books. I turned to look over at Heeseung again. He was still sleeping with his AirPods in.
"Come on, lets go hang at my place." Jake said waiting by the doorway.

✓ the way i want you | 희승
Fanfiction"i know you. you don't act like how you're with me with just anyone." started : 2/22/23 ended : 3/9/24