I felt a warm air being blown on my shoulder. My hands came to my eyes as I rubbed them awake. I tried to sit up but there were arms wrapped around my waist. I turned my head to see Jake sleeping, hugging me tight.
"Jake!" I yelled, getting out of his grip sitting up. His eyes shot open and he sat up as well.
"What happened? Are you okay?" He asked. I looked to see him completely shirtless. I immediately faced the other way.
"Oh my god, Jake. Put on a shirt!" I cant get that image out now. I looked down to see myself wearing tshirt that was definitely not mine.
"You're kind of um...wearing it." He said slowly. "Besides, you're the one who took it off last night-"
"Just shut up!" My cheeks turned red as he laughed at me. "What time is it?"
"7:01 am. We still have some time before school starts." He said getting up to put on another shirt.
"Shit." I mumbled. I started gathering my clothes that were thrown on the floor and ran out of the bedroom.
"Where are you going? I thought we could head out to get breakfast." He said following me out.
"I can't. I forgot I have figure skating practice that started 2 minutes ago." I rushed to the door and opened it before Jake stopped me.
"Wait, y/n."
"What is it?" I asked.
"I had a really great time with you last night." He smiled. "Could we see each other again sometime?"
See each other? More like sleep with each other.
"Sure." I finally said as I ran out of the dorm. I wasn't positive about saying yes to seeing him again like that. Some part of me wanted it to just be a one night thing.
I reached the skate center as my teammates were wrapping up practice and packing their things up. I walked past them to my coach.
"Coach, I'm so sorry I missed practice today. I wasn't aware of the time and-"
She slapped me across the face. "I told you to not be late to anymore practices. And this time you skipped the whole thing?" She yelled at me.
I looked up and glanced at Sunghoon who was watching the whole thing from afar.
"One more time and I'm done y/n. And I mean it this time." She said before she walked away.
I walked over to sit on a nearby bench.
"Are you okay?" Sunghoon sat beside me. I seem to be getting asked that question a lot. Maybe I'm really not.
"I'm sorry I missed practice today."
"Where were you?" He asked. "You're never late to practices, like ever."
"I don't know. I just really need coffee right now."
"Come one, my treat." He got up and reached his hand out. I smiled as I took it.
"Wait, what about school? You don't have your uniform with you." He stopped and asked me.
"I'll just skip my morning classes."
"Thank you for the coffee." I smiled.
"No problem. You look like you needed it." He said.
"Jeez, Hoon. I don't know how you do it." I said taking a sip.
"Do what?"
"All the parties almost every night and still balancing school and practices."
"I'm used to it. You really shouldn't go to anymore parties though."
"Guess so." Hes right though. I somehow manage to fuck everything up the next day.
"Is that Sim Jake's shirt?" He asked. My eyes widened and I didn't say anything.
"It is, isn't it?" He sipped his coffee.
"How did you know?"
"I had a close friend. She used to be one of Jake's toys and she wore that exact one."
Jake's toys?
"Y/n, you should stop seeing him. He's a heart breaker and very much a player." He said. "He's only using you."
Sunghoon was right again.
"I know, I'm sorry. I was just not in the right space last night." I said looking down.
"I'm sorry about Harin. I didn't know she was like that." He said.
She's a backstabbing shit talker. I don't know how I didn't see it coming. She was always wrapped around Jungwon's finger and never got enough of him.
"Y/n, I need to talk to you about something important before I go."
"What is it?" I asked.
"You know I'm graduating this year, right?"
"Of course. Our plan about going to the same University is right on track." I smiled. Even though he's a year older, I wanted to be able to skate with him still. We are always going to be partners.
"About that...I'm moving the study abroad in Europe."
My smile dropped. "What do you mean? Why so suddenly?"
"My parents just think it's the best for me. They said the university there is way better than ours."
"So, you're just going to leave me?"
"I'm sorry y/n. I wish I didn't have to." He stood up and put his bag on. "I'm gonna be late. I'll talk more later, okay?" I nodded as he left the cafe.
Sunghoon is leaving me? What about the plans we made before? I sat in silence fiddling with my fingers.
I got up and decided to just head back to my dorm. I didn't have anymore energy to go to school today. Maybe not for a few days.
I feel like I was right where I was when the school year started. Friends leaving me all over again, old classmates still bullying me, and no energy to care anymore. I hated this feeling. I wanted this year to be different. With everything that has been going on, I just want to lay in my bed and sleep for the rest of my life.
thank you for reading! <3

✓ the way i want you | 희승
Fanfiction"i know you. you don't act like how you're with me with just anyone." started : 2/22/23 ended : 3/9/24