Chapter 12: An Eye For An Eye

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Enid's POV:

I was getting flustered at Wednesdays words when she falls to the ground. Immediately I rush over to her making sure this wasn't some allergic reaction of some sort. My heart drops when my ears don't hear her slower than normal heartbeat.

Wednesday told me that she has a epipen thing in her nightstand for an allergic reaction. She said dying due to an allergic reaction would be shameful so I assume that's the reason I know about the EpiPen.

I rush over to her nightstand taking the pen out and following the directions, but nothing happens...Maybe this isn't an allergic reaction.

"Wednesday you gotta get up! GET UP WEDNESDAY!" My voice rings out in the cold room.

Panic begins to set in when I see this isn't her just pulling some kind of prank on me. I need to get her breathing again. What the hell was that song they told me to do CPR too-? OH OH CPR BY CUPCAKE-

This song is literally NOT what I'd like to be listening to right now, or ever for that matter but it has to be done.

"Siri, play CPR by cupcake right now!"

"Playing CPR by Cupcake."

My hands compress and release on her chest as I frantically try and get her heart to start beating again. This song is literally not fucking helping right now. Why the actual hell would they tell me to play this song???

I need to stay focused. If Wednesday dies...I can't think about that.

CPR isn't working...My breathe begins to quicken. I can feel the panic flowing through my body.

Fuck this. I'm going to try mouth to mouth. If this doesn't work I don't know what to do...

My lips rest on top of Wens lips as I begin to breath air into her mouth. With ever breath I pray that she's going to wake up. She has to wake up. This can't be the end of our story. It's barley even begun...

That's when she finally woke up. Relief washes over my now very pale body.

"What the hell are you doing Enid." I've never been so happy to hear someone's voice before.

"You weren't breathing...I thought you were like...dead..." My voice low and full of fear.

"I'm okay Enid. You can't get rid of an Addams this easily. However, I am extremely parched all of a sudden. May I have some of your emergency fruit juice? Also what the hell is this music you are playing."

OH SHIT I FORGOT TO TURN MY PHONE OFF- THATS EMBARRASSING...Anyhow- Wednesday? Wants fruit juice? And she's wearing color... What the fuck is going on today?? Too many unexpected things are going on and I don't like it.

"Sorry it's what my first aid instructor told me to do CPR too. But uh of course you can have some Wens, but I do want to take you down to the infirmary just to make sure you are okay. I mean you did just like...die..."

Her hand grabs mine, interlocking out fingers. My eyes travel up to hers, allowing for us to share eye contact.

"I believe the song you were looking for was staying alive but that doesn't matter right now. Enid, il dolore e la preoccupazione nei tuoi occhi mi addolora e non nel modo in cui mi diverto. Se devo affettare chi ti ha fatto sentire così, in piccoli pezzi di dimensioni ridotte e darli da mangiare al coccodrillo domestico della mia famiglia così sia. Sei il pianeta attorno al quale ruoto il mio bellissima narciso. Tu Enid Sinclair, sei il mio mondo e prometto di fare di tutto per proteggere il mio mondo." (Enid, the pain and concern in your eyes pains me and not in the way I enjoy it. If I have to slice whoever made you feel this way, into little bite sized pieces and feed them to my family's pet crocodile so be it. You are the planet which I revolve around my beautiful daffodil. You Enid Sinclair, you are my world and I promise to do everything to protect my world.)

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