1- Prisoners In Chains

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Water fell in an even, rhythmic pattern, echoing across cobblestones. A shallow puddle gathered in the low corner of a damp dungeon. Chill seeped from the cracks in the walls and floor.

Chains clinked gently across stone, and an occasional draw of haggard breath pushed through the silence. A woman was on her feet, barely, knees bent and head hanging, hands manacled above her head. She was gripping and releasing the chains in time to the drips, trying to keep blood flowing through her aching arms and shoulders. She inhaled and exhaled slowly, dry tongue occasionally darting out onto dry lips. Blonde hair hung down, framing her face, sticking to her neck.

Kara Zor-El, princess of Krypton, was a prisoner – and she was scheduled to become a martyr.


A woman in a hooded robe flitted silently down the dungeon halls. She was gripping tightly to the iron keys in her hands, willing them through sheer force not to clink together. She adjusted the bag over her shoulder, cinching it tighter, and peered around a dark corner.

There were two men standing outside the door. She cursed to herself, squeezing her eyes tightly shut before mustering her courage and stepping out into the dank hallway.

The guards started, yanking their swords from their sheaths and blocking her path.

"Identify yourself!" One bellowed.

She winced, and tugged back the hood of her robe.

They immediately lowered their swords and stood at attention.

"Princess Lena. I apologize. We weren't expecting any visitors this evening and – "

She waved her hand, effectively silencing him.

"Please. This is my fault. I should have stopped by the captain's office to tell him I was coming down. I just..." She bit her lip and leaned closer, whispering to them conspiratorially. "I just wanted to see the prisoner. Without... you know. Alerting my brother."

The guards quirked an eyebrow and glanced at each other. The King had given orders for the prisoner to be left without food or company for two weeks, in hopes that it would leave her weakened and crazed. She received minimal water once a day. These orders hadn't stopped guests of the keep from coming down to gaze haughtily upon the once-mighty Kryptonian, delighting in her waning strength.

The sergeant cleared his throat, gazing knowingly down at the princess.

"Your highness, the King has instructed-"

"I know, I know. No visitors. But I just must see her. Before the trial. I'll be gone, you know – visiting mother. I won't even be here for the festival. Please? Won't you make an exception for me?" She smiled shyly up at the guard, imposing in his armor.

He looked down at her for a few more moments before standing straight up at attention once more.

"I'm sorry your highness, but our duty is here at our guard post. We always follow the King's orders."

Lena began to swallow bitter disappointment, her hand reaching into her robes for the hilt of her dagger. She didn't have a chance in a fight with a single guard, let alone two – but anything was better than going back the way she came.

It was simply out of the question.

She began to drag it out of its sheath when suddenly, the sergeant performed a left face and began marching away, down the hall. He called over his shoulder without looking back.

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