34- Morning Storms

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Yesterday, there were one hundred things flying through Lena's mind - zooming through her consciousness like Kryptonians flying from one place to another. Thoughts of her mother, questions about her father, alliances, enemies, anxieties about what Lex had planned, the assassin still sitting in his cell, the future of her life here at Krypton. They sailed across her reality at a thousand miles an hour - colliding, slamming apart, splitting into infinitesimal atoms or merging into looming giants that made her heart pound a frantic drum.

Today, they were silent.

Her eyes opened slowly to the pale grey morning light. She blinked in an effort to turn the fuzzy, distorted shapes into something more clear. She inhaled deeply, her soul sinking back down into her body, and studied the way it felt beneath her skin. She was still exhausted, but it felt satisfying. She was sore - in one particular spot more than others - but it felt like something more akin to a delicious ache. The apex of her thighs was not a place she was accustomed to aching, and when she allowed herself to fully explore the feeling, it sent blood crawling up towards her face from her chest.

Her pulse beat sluggishly, as if it too was still waking, and it sent steady pulsing into what she was sure were bruises, blossoming like ripe flowers on her neck and chest. When she picked her head up sleepily, a glance down at her chest confirmed her suspicions.

She settled her head back on the pillow and brought her hand up to her face, running her fingertips along her swollen lips with the barest hint of a smile. She trailed the back of her knuckles up her cheek, before slipping them through her tousled hair as she stretched her legs.

She settled her hand on top of the forearm that was slung across her belly, and stroked it with her fingertips. She studied the way it flexed and moved in the rising sunlight, trailing her touch down to the hand that was partially tucked beneath her side.

Those hands.

Those steady hands that had held her close, held her down, plied her apart, pressed her together. Those strong hands that pulled at the laces and the seams until the knots untangled and fell apart, the ones that quieted her body and shushed her blitzing thoughts.

Kryptonian hands which, she had learned in the night, were very possessive in their sleeping habits.

When she had attempted to sneak to the bathroom in the early morning before the sun had risen, she was met with unhappy grumbling and a steel grip, pulling her back down and wrapping around her tightly. She had been forced to shake Kara awake, only managing to disentangle herself from muscled limbs when Kara had sleepily released her.

The blonde was asleep again by the time she returned, but after only a few moments in bed beside her, Lena was being drawn back into a wrapping embrace.

Now, with gentle fingertips trailing along her skin, Kara stirred with a slight mumble. Lena watched her, fascinated - she had never seen the warrior be anything but downright chipper in the morning, so the discontented grumbling was new.

Lena reached down, carding her fingers through golden locks and scratching her nails across her scalp gently.

The grumbling eventually died down, but Kara rose up onto her side with still-closed eyelids and dragged Lena beneath her, settling down onto her and snuggling her face into the dark-haired woman's chest.

She couldn't help but chuckle, stroking her knuckle down Kara's cheek.



Her lips curved up into a smile as the blonde nuzzled her face into the soft, bruising skin of Lena's chest. She tapped her shoulder gently.


"Mmmmmm." A nuzzling face was slowly turning into warm, wandering lips, and Lena took in a deep breath as that delicious soreness between her legs twinged.

"Warrior, are you planning on laying on me all d - Kara!"

An exploring mouth had settled itself on Lena's left nipple, drawing on it carefully as a thigh was being slipped between her legs.

"Hmmm..." Kara released the tension between her lips and replaced her mouth with her palm, even as she was kissing up Lena's sternum. "That depends."

"O-on?" Lena stuttered quietly, her eyelids dropping closed.

"Were you planning on letting me?"

Lena snorted and opened one eye to peek up at the blonde hovering over her.

"I wasn't aware I had a choice."

Kara grinned up at her. "You don't. I've decided- this is the only place in all of Krypton where you have to obey all commands from your wife."

Instead of the outrage Kara was expecting, she received a hand tucked beneath her jaw, dragging her face up to a warm kiss, her upper lip drawn between teeth and gently sucked.

"Perhaps I might want to."

Kara's brain short-circuited, and her gaze slipped into an unfocused haze as Lena chuckled and slid out from under her.

The raven-haired Princess padded, naked, from the bed to the windows of Kara's bedroom - no, their bedroom - and stood close enough to gaze out the foggy glass at the water breaking into white caps. The sky was grey and quickly turning stormy, the waves rolling and tossing against the shore and the rocks dotting the coast.

Thoughts she had abandoned in the night were beginning to creep back in, and she crossed her arms over her chest as she leaned against the frame. A chill was seeping through the glass, in the same manner as her fears, and Lena shivered slightly before a hot body was being pressed up against her back, a thick blanket tucked around them both. Kara married her cheek to Lena's temple as they both stared out at the water for some time.

Eventually, Kara's lips found her neck.

"Come, Princess. Let's go back to bed. I'll rub some of these knots out of your shoulders."

"Princess Zor-El, are you trying to seduce me?"

"Me? I would never."


It would be three months before the sounding of a battle horn ripped through the peaceful air of the Crystal Palace.

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