38- The Letters they Carry Out Our Heart

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Dear zrhueiao,

I am sorry for not responding to you sooner. The front has been very hectic. When we arrived, Lazari and Menon were recovering from a border skirmish that spread like wildfire. They suffered the loss of several squads of archers and three watch towers have been burned beyond use. Captain Fira is beside herself with anger – Lazari caught her loading a bag with rations in an attempt to sneak across the border alone. I can't say I blame her. She has been ruthless in command of her remaining archers ever since.

The attack began in earnest on our third day. It was odd... almost as if they were waiting for us to arrive. As I suspected, we were unprepared. By my count, there are two battalions at our front and three flanking us from the east. It is a clever move – they are attempting to pin us against the Green Mountains, likely to make a driving push towards Thon.

The new kryptonite weapons... they're brutal. I am not certain what powers their bows, but the soaring archer company can not fly high enough to escape them. The air is simply too thin, and our armor does not deflect their arrow points well enough. They tried wearing Bolenthian plated armor, but it was too cumbersome and they are simply untrained. I have left them with the option to wear it or not, at their own discretion.

Thank Rao we have you. We have suffered casualties, but your charged crystals are truly a miracle. Kryptonians have been healing themselves mid-battle and returning to the lines just as fast as they are wounded. Our dead would be a much higher number without you.

The real devastation here is the loss of Bolenthian life. Luthorian trebuchets have been wreaking havoc on our lines, and the stones are laced with kryptonite. We are doing our best to break them up before they reach the ground, but it has been requiring massive amounts of strength – and the Bolenthian soldiers have had to task squads of men to remove the tainted stone from the battlefield.

They just do not have our healing abilities, and the Kryptonian weapons cut them just the same. It does not feel very fair.

I am so angry at this, Lena. All of this... it is so unnecessary. I do not know how one man can have so much hate that he causes the destruction of such life. Alliance rules of engagement clearly state that we may not harness our more powerful abilities unless there is a clear and catastrophic requirement, but I am beginning to lose my patience. On one hand, I do not want the massive loss of life that will accrue – but I don't know how much longer I can fight with one hand tied behind my back.

I wish I knew where your brother is hiding, so I might tear him limb from limb and be done with it. He has not shown his smarmy face since the first arrow was fired. I am certain that he is cowering in his palace like the rat that he is.

Reports from the northern shores of the Bolenthian Sea reveal no signs of Cogorian ships. We suspect that King Leon has backed out of the deal with your brother, but only time will tell. Vathlo heeded the call to arms, and they are sitting in preparation on the western shore. It is my hope that they will be able to catch any potential enemy ships uoff guard, if they do arrive.

Ah – they are calling for me in the strategy room. I must end this here. Please, hug Alex, Sam, Winn, and my mother for me. Give Ruby a kiss.

I can hardly believe it has been a month since I was at your side. I don't think that I've ever experienced such an aching loss before. It truly feels as if I have been cut in half, and the rest of me is beside you still.

I miss you.

I love you.

I will see you again soon.

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