19- A Royal Role

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Receiving citizens of Krypton and the Alliance turned out to be Lena's version of a waking nightmare.

After a brief lunch they returned to the Great Hall, where several brilliantly carved chairs had been placed at the far end in a staggered pattern. Zor-El's seat sat evenly with Alura's, who was noticeably absent- Zor-El apologized on her behalf and cited wedding preparations.

Kara sat to his right side and just slightly behind him, with Lena to her right.

J'onn, Alex, Sam, and Cat Grant were seated at a table to the left of Alura's seat, notebooks and pens prepared to take notes of their meetings.

Slowly, one by one, Kryptonians and countrymen of the Alliance brought forth concerns, questions, and issues for the Kryptonian monarchy to resolve.

There was the occasional land dispute. Concerns with taxes, quarrels about trade laws, requests for charitable donations.

But their concerns were, overwhelmingly, that a Luthor was poised to enter their ranks.

Lena wished more and more as each passed through the Hall that she could melt into the ornate chair beneath her and disappear.

After the first few, Kara had reached over and grasped her hand tightly. She found herself once more grateful for the anchor.

Each concern was met with the same tone and answer from Zor-El: Krypton has not made a political alliance with Luthoria.

An hour into the afternoon, Kara snapped.

A Zithan lord stood before them currently, tall and dark and proud in his brilliant red robes and turban. His accent, thick and beautiful, voiced once more a concern that Lena Luthor meant to cause the Alliance harm.

Kara slammed to her feet, her eyes blazing. Lena grabbed for her hand to tug her back down, but found a firm palm pressed to her chest, pressing her back into the seat. She grasped at Kara's wrist and plead softly.

"Kara don't, really- "

"No, this is quite enough. Father, how long will we sit here and give the same answer to the same people? How long will you force me endure a baseless attack on my wife, who is guilty of nothing but an incorrect last name?"

Zor-El pursed his lips thoughtfully, and turned to the Zithan lord.

"Lord Av'dul, do many of your people feel this same way?"

His deep voice answered slowly. "We are... divided, your majesty. We believe strongly in redemption, but never at the price of destruction."

The king nodded, and folded his hands in his lap. Kara bristled as his usual speech rolled off his tongue.

"Sir, I apologize for any distress that this union has brought to your people. I can assure you my daughter marries only for love, and that Princess Lena is fully prepared to remove her associations with her previous name in favor of becoming an integral part of the House of El. I am also prepared to place all faith and trust in her word and her honor in this matter. We hope that your attendance here throughout this week will convince you of the same."

The Zithan lord seemed to find this answer at least somewhat acceptable, for he then bowed at the waist and requested permissions to be excused, which Zor-El promptly granted.

Lena watched tension gathering in Kara's back and forearms, and squeezed her hand gently.

"Father, I will hear no more of this. At the very least, allow Princess Lena to leave."

Zor-El shook his head silently. "There is no need, Princess." He called out to the royal crier at the door. "Jonathon, that will be enough audiences. The Princesses will address the Alliance as one at the welcome feast this evening."

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