14- Calling Out

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Kara slammed open the door to the sparring room, startling Alex and the group of squires she was training.

"Kara! What are you..."

Alex's amber eyes tracked Kara as she paced along a wall, tense and angry. She pursed her lips and turned to the squires.

"That's enough for this morning. Go get something to eat and be in the arena in an hour."

"Yes Captain!" They spun on their heels smartly and shut the door behind them.

Alex turned back to the frazzled warrior.

"Alright. What happened?"

Kara stepped towards her, offering her palms up in confusion, her brow furrowed anxiously.

"Alex, there's something wrong with me."

"Wrong with you? How?" Alex reached over and pressed her hand to Kara's cheek, testing the temperature. "Are you ill?"

The blonde shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe I spent too much time around the kryptonite in Luthoria."

The knight captain frowned and urged her to sit on a tall stool. "What are your symptoms? Should I call for a healer?"

"No, please don't do that." Kara pressed a hand over her eyes, shaking her head. "I don't want everyone thinking I'm some kind of cretin."

"Cretin?? Je, tell me what the hell is happening. We'll fix it, whatever it is."

Kara sighed and mumbled into her hands.

"What was that?"

She abruptly stood again and threw her hands up.

"I kissed her!"

The auburn-haired woman blinked.

"You kissed- "

"I didn't even ask her. I just did it! I don't even remember why I went up there. I was in the middle of training, Alex!" Kara palmed her forehead, eyes full of distress.

"Okay, let's breathe." She tugged on Kara's wrist and guided her back to the stool. "Sit back down, and give me some more information. Please," she winced, rubbing her stomach gently. "Before this baby breaks my ribs."

Kara dropped heavily onto the stool and reached out absent-mindedly, pressing comforting hands into Alex's belly.

"I just feel so strange, Alex. Like I'm being... pulled apart and tied together again."

Alex pressed her hands into her own lower back and tilted her head.

"Is this about Lena? Is that who you kissed?"

Kara nodded, averting her eyes.

"I was down on the field, and I had just bested James in a round, and suddenly I... I knew that she was here. I don't know how, or why. I just knew that she was near me and I wanted to be closer to her. And then I was kissing her." Her eyes dropped shut, and she shook her head. "She must think I'm a creep."

"Hmm." A strand of hair had loosened itself from Kara's ponytail, and Alex reached down and tucked it behind her ear. "Is this the first time?"

"Yes. Well, no. Sort of."

Alex snorted. "Which is it, then?"

"Something else happened... a week or so ago. She was getting ready for dinner and she had on your dress and she looked..." Kara blew out a breath. "She looked so beautiful, Alex. And then she was in my arms."

"Did anything else happen?"

"No. I left the room. I chalked it up to lack of food and sleep and your rum, but today... I was so clear-minded. I was feeling better than I have in a long time, in fact." Kara looked up at her with pleading eyes. "What's happening to me? Am I sick?"

An Ocean of Fire- Supercorp AUWhere stories live. Discover now