24- A Bloodied Face

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Healers surrounded Lena while scholars and advisors murmured softly to each other in corners, thumbing through texts and scribbling on paper with pens and pencils. Kara hovered impatiently, arms crossed, pacing back and forth. The third time she nearly ran over a healer, Winn had gently guided her out the door with a firm reassurance that he wouldn't let anything happen to her and he would let her know the second they had more information.

She was standing in the dim hallway now outside the medical bay. Particles swirled through shafts of sunlight that pierced between the wooden slats above them.

Her eyes darkened and her heart began to pick up its pace, her fists clenching tightly at her sides.

The medical bay door opened and shut behind her.

She knew it was Zor-El before he ever said anything.

They stood together in that shadowy hall, Kara taking in deep but quickening breaths while Zor-El drew himself up to full height beside her.

She slowly turned to him, and their eyes met. Their minds went to the same place, and Zor-El gave her one short nod.

They both strode rapidly down the hall. Arena attendants, knights, and healers bowed their heads and murmured acknowledgements as they moved aside, allowing room for Princess and King to cut through their midst.

They passed through doors, down halls, deeper and deeper still into the depths of the arena, until the only light was from flickering gas-powered lanterns on the walls.

They approached a sealed door with several knights around it, including King Thrall, James, and one highly agitated Knight Captain. Sam stood close to Alex, concern causing her brows to pitch together as she pressed a palm to the small of her wife's back. They were speaking in hushed tones, but Kara picked up the end of the conversation as they approached.

"I do not care who was responsible for the list of competitors. You are her guardian and my Lieutenant and if you were anyone else I would have you put outside these walls immediately for dereliction of duty- "

"Alex please calm down, your heart rate is too high- "

"Captain, I promise you that I will find our breach in security and they will be..."

James trailed off when he noticed Kara and Zor-El approaching, stiffening his spine and bowing before addressing them in a formal tone.

"Your highness. Princess Zor-El."

King Thrall immediately stepped to the side, his thick hand reaching for the Kryptonian king's elbow.

"Zor-El. If I may have word?"

They stepped out of earshot, leaving Kara standing before the other three. James cleared his throat.

"I would like to express my sincerest apologies for this matter, and provide you reassurances that this will never happen again."

Kara's fists remained clenched at her sides, but she knew better than to direct her anger towards her allies.

"It is done. The blame for this does not rest on one head alone." She turned to Alex. "I trust that you have a plan in place to address these security concerns?"

Alex nodded, anger blazing in her eyes. "It is already in action. If there are any more infiltrators, we will find them by sun down."

"I trust you, Captain." Kara stepped closer, momentarily softening her eyes, and pressed gentle fingertips to the side of her belly. "Now please, je. Go to your office and manage this from there. It will make this day exponentially worse for me if something were to happen to you or the baby."

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