25- Day Four: In Reverence

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The sun rose on the fourth day of their wedding festival. A peaceful mist blanketed the shore and fields beyond the palace, snaking through silent tents. It covered muddy footprints and slipped between waving leaves.

Lena's eyes slipped open slowly. Her mind tugged forward the remnant of a distant memory - the sound of steel clashing on steel, the sour taste of sand and sweat, the incessant drumming in her temples, and the coursing of icy blood through her veins. She sent a careful probe into her skull, sighing in soft relief when the sharp ache seemed to have receded.

Her body itself was sore and tense, but the stiffness in her joints felt almost welcome.

In the fog of her sleep, she had a sense that the alternative to her stiff joints would have been far, far worse.

When her consciousness sank further into reality, she sucked in a deep breath and became fully aware of her body - which was being pinned beneath the solid weight of a Kryptonian warrior.

Sometime in the night, Kara had rolled on top of her. A tangle of blonde hair was nestled on her chest, Kara's arms askew on the pillow on either side of Lena's head.

Her own arms had slipped beneath Kara's, and were locked tightly behind the blonde's back.

Lena blinked slowly.

Her hands unfurled, and she found herself pressing them carefully down into the muscles of Kara's back. Her first instinct was panic - she had never been this physically close to someone before who wasn't causing her harm. Memories of pain, anger, and fear bubbled up in her throat - but she pulled in another deep, shaking breath, and found that the panic was easier to push away than she'd anticipated.

The second wave of emotions that coursed through her was riding the heels of both a complex instinct of nurturing that she'd never felt before, and the unexpected sense of contentment that had settled into her bones.

A feeling was gripping her heart, something unfamiliar and indescribable. It slipped down her skin, curled around her ankles, and dragged up her stomach, until it resolved beneath her collarbone. She was overcome with an urge to press her face to Kara's, press her lips to her eyelids, her forehead, her cheekbones, but she tampered it down. Her eyes instead roved over the strong, chiseled features of the face pressed into the rise and fall of her chest.

Her hands, of their own accord, began to slowly smooth down the strong elevations of Kara's shoulders and back. A soft groan escaped the Kryptonian's lips, and Lena watched in fascination as the blonde breathed out an appeased sigh and snuggled down closer.

The hem of Kara's tunic had ridden up to her lower back, leaving a strip of tan skin exposed above the waistline of her pants.

Lena's fingertips found the skin there, and she was mesmerized by its velvet texture. They traced lines and patterns in the small space available, until it suddenly felt like it wasn't enough. The figures and diagrams she was drawing pushed ever up, in smooth, concentric circles, slipping the hem of the tunic up with her touch.

Her palms settled slowly on the warm skin of Kara's sides, and her thumbs stroked carefully across the hard, muscled ridge she found there.


Lena froze as Kara shifted on top of her, a rumble moving through her chest. Powerful hips rocked into her, slow and hard, and Lena suddenly became very aware of the way Kara's hip was pressed tightly at the apex of her thighs.

Her nails dug involuntarily into the soft skin beneath her hands, and the sharp intake of breath above her signaled that Kara had joined her in the land of the waking.

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