27- A Mountain of Peace

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Their conversation was stalled, for the time being- Winn had appeared, joy playing with the creases of his eyes, to escort Lena to Kara.

Lena's fearful gaze sought Alura's, but the Queen smiled briefly and nodded.

"Go, Princess. That impatient warrior is waiting for you."

She slipped her hand into the crook of Winn's arm, but turned back in the moment before leaving.

"Your highness... my dress."

Alura frowned. "Is something amiss? Anhani is coming this afternoon to do the final fitting."

"Nothing is amiss - I was hoping that you would join me. Perhaps we can speak then?"

Surprise slowly lifted the Queen's furrowed brow.

"You would have me attend your dress fitting, Princess? This position is normally reserved for..."

"The mother of the betrothed." Lena smiled wryly. "It seems as if I am short one of those, at present. I would be honored if you were there in her stead."

A fierce conversation occurred that was only visible in Alura's eyes as they danced across Lena's face. Finally, she clasped her hands together in front of her and nodded.

"I will be there."

Lena curtsied and inclined her head, before allowing Winn to lead her away.

Alex appeared beside Alura, and both of them watched the raven-haired woman depart.

When she had passed through the doors into the sitting room and out of earshot, the knight captain leaned closer to the Queen of Krypton.

"I am thinking that perhaps Princess Lena of Luthoria is far more politically savvy than we originally understood."

A slow smile crept across the taller woman's face, something indiscernible - perhaps briefly resembling pride - shining in her eyes.

"She is a clever girl, indeed."


Winn was refusing to give her hints. As they strolled across the courtyard, she tried everything in the book - promises of reward, threats of punishment, beguiling him with fluttering eyelashes, reducing him to a quivering lump with rage. He simply smiled at her and shook his head.

"I am deeply sorry Princess. While your show at the arena yesterday was truly remarkable, Kara Zor-El has had years to perfect her knowledge of my weak spots - and she is not afraid to exploit them."

Her shoulders slumped and she huffed, but amusement was still dancing in her green eyes - though her stomach was twisting itself into ropes again.

As if he was picking up on her roiling emotions, Winn pulled her slightly closer, pressing their shoulders together.

"We're almost there, Princess. Don't worry."

It was a few more minutes before Lena realized that he was leading her towards the stables.

Kara was waiting outside with two horses, saddled and ready to go, and a brilliant smile on her face. She waved as they approached, and Lena's heart caught in her chest as Kara's golden hair caught in the sunlight. Warmth blossomed through her.

"Good afternoon, Princess. Has your day been well?"

Lena found herself grinning, Winn suddenly forgotten beside her.

"It's been... rather stressful, actually." She laughed softly.

"Well I'm sorry for that. Hopefully it's about to get better."

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