11- An Uncompromising Promise

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The missive had gone out before the sun even breached the horizon.

Special Notice from the Crystal Palace

The House of El


The Daughter of Krypton

are happy to announce the engagement of

Princess Kara Zor-El of Krypton and Princess Lena Luthor of Luthoria.

A Kryptonian Marriage Festival will begin on the 1st day of the 11th month
of this year and shall conclude in a formal ceremony on the 7th day of the 11th month of this year.

All Allied Monarchs and their representatives, as well as Kryptonians, are proposed to attend at the behest of Zor-El, King of Krypton.

Please respond at
your earliest convenience your intention for attendance.

Bah Rao


The morning came slowly and peacefully. Gentle light filtered through the tall window in Lena's room, illuminating the deep colors of the mahogany floor, maroon rug, and navy blue blankets on the bed. She rubbed a hand over her face and inhaled deeply, stretching and allowing herself a few precious moments to wake up.

When she finally sat up, running her fingers through her rich dark hair, movement outside the window caught her eye.

Kara was standing in the grass, barefoot. Flowing black pants that looked soft and stretchy clung to her in the wind, tapering down at her ankles. She was shirtless, in her typical black bralette, and her hair was pulled up into a messy bun at the crown of her head. She was holding a beautiful, shimmering sword and standing on one foot, her back to Lena.

She watched, fascinated, as the blonde moved with incredibly slow and controlled motions into a lunge, lifting the sword high above her head with one arm while the other stretched out before her in a perfectly straight line.

The light caught muscles rippling in her arms and shoulders, shadows planing across golden skin where they dipped into triceps and a well-defined back. She was moving so slowly, yet it was obvious she was expending a great deal of energy. Her skin shone with sweat, and her sword glinted sharply in the rising sun.

Lena watched her slowly sink to her knees in the grass, sitting back on her heels with her sword across her lap. A few loose blonde curls lifted gently in the wind as her head bowed. She took her sword in both hands and lifted it into the air, almost as if it was an offering, before stretching her arms out in front of her and laying the back of her palms on the dewy grass. She stayed in this position for sometime, with her forehead nearly touching the ground, before carefully rising back to her feet. She took brisk steps towards a small pile of belongings to the side, and reverently returned her sword to its sheath. Lena's eyes were  tracking her path, when suddenly Kara looked up and caught her eyes through the window. She winked as she disappeared from view, and Lena heard the faint click of a door being opened and shut again.

Lena blinked a few times and pressed her hand over her eyes for a moment, shaking her head.

The sound of running water came through the adjoining walls, and Lena decided that sounded like a fantastic idea. She threw the covers back and took another long, hot shower.

An Ocean of Fire- Supercorp AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora