35- A Raging Forge

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Two Weeks After the Wedding

Footsteps pounded down the long, dark hall in front of the wing of the Princesses of Krypton. Breath steamed from panting lips, and skinny fingers yanked hard on the front door without preamble. Glowing coals in the sitting room fireplace gave off heat, but it was ignored. Knuckles rapped sharply on the bedroom door at the far end of the hall.

Kara Zor-El, whose face had been buried in the nape of her wife's neck, her arms wrapped around her tightly, was on her feet in an instant, pulling a tunic on over her head.

Lena sat up with a gasp, tugging the blanket up over her bare chest. Tousled hair flew around her concerned face.

"Enter," came Kara's sleep-deepened voice.

Aaron, the palace's fastest page, pushed the door open and executed a swift bow.

"Princess Zor-El, your presence is required in the Arias wing."

Kara was already tugging on trousers and shoving her feet into boots.

"What's happening? Is it Alex? The baby isn't due for another two weeks."

A hand came out to grasp at her wrist, and Kara looked down in confusion at it before focusing her gaze on Lena, whose concerned eyes were trained on Aaron.

"He doesn't mean you, Princess."

Anguish filled the young man's eyes, and he quietly shook his head.

Lena was out of bed in a flash, Aaron averting his gaze from her naked back as she rifled through the closet for a tunic.

Kara's chest rose and fell rapidly, her eyes searching for something unseen, before her attention snapped back to the page in the doorway.

"Go. Tell them we are on our way."

He was gone in a flash, and Kara finished tying her boots while Lena pulled on a pair of trousers and yanked her hair up, tying it in place.

She didn't even have shoes on before she was pressing herself against Kara, gripping at the shoulders of her tunic and looking at her with urgency.

"Let's go."

Steel arms wrapped around her instantly and they were off, racing through the palace at the speed of sound.

When they arrived, Sam was pacing in their sitting room with a stony expression on her face while Zor-El and Winn stood silently out of the way. Alura, Eliza, and the palace healer were with Alex. Aaron had beaten them there by a mere minute, and Lena was immediately pushing her way through to the bedroom. When the door swung open to allow her through, Kara's hair stood on end at the desperate cry of agony that sailed through it and the blood she glimpsed on the floor before the door slammed shut again.

Sam had frozen at the sound, her stare beginning to look more and more distant, and Kara barely had time to register the wobble of her knees before she caught the collapsing woman in her arms.

She dragged her to the couch and wrapped her arms around her tightly, sitting beside her and rocking her while murmuring soft affirmations into her hair - all the while looking up at Winn, who was returning her expression with mingled horror.

An hour passed in this manner. The occasional scream would rip through the stuffy silence, and Sam would start off the couch before Kara gently pulled her back down again.

"We can't be in there right now, my sister. We would only get in the way."

Sam dropped her face into her hands and bunched her shoulders, her fingers worrying her tousled hair.

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