9- The Concept of Family

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"How does this go? In Krypton?"

Kara and Lena were standing before a set of large double doors carved with beautiful symbols.

They had been in front of it for several minutes while Kara took in deep breaths. Lena had her arm linked in Kara's, as she had since the blonde offered it to her when they departed their chambers.

She glanced back and forth between Kara and the door. The Kryptonian seemed to have frozen in place.

Lena nudged her with her hip gently, and Kara blinked, finally turning to look at her.

"I'm sorry Princess, what did you say?"

The corners of the brunette's mouth lifted slightly.

"You're a very focused woman sometimes, do you know that?"

Kara cringed. "I know. I apologize in advance for any future issues – I've always been that way."

Lena patted her arm absentmindedly and repeated her question.

"How does this work in Krypton? If this is a royal dinner with your parents, I'm assuming that we are to be announced?"

"Yes. That's why I'm... I mean... I'm not sure, honestly." Kara's eyes flitted over the doors. "Traditionally, if I was presenting a betrothed partner to the royal court, you would be announced as such. But since you are technically already my wife..." she turned to Lena and shrugged.

At that moment, a man rounded the corner several feet from them. He caught sight of them and attempted a quick about-face, but Kara reached out and snagged his coat sleeve.

"Winn!" she hissed.

He cleared his throat and turned back, his face clearly trying to hide that he had attempted to escape without being seen.

"Y-yes Princess! Are you going to dinner?"

She stared at him as if he'd grown a second head. "Yes? Are you not?"

He tugged on his collar and cleared his throat again.

"I was planning on sitting this one out, Princess, I think that perhaps it is best if this a family only type of meal, you understand – "

"Oh no you don't, Sir Winslow Schott Jr." Kara clamped her hand down on his forearm and pulled him closer. "There are several conversations you need to be a part of, and I'm not going to let you skip out because you're afraid of my mother. Besides, her wrath seems to be unusually tamed for the evening."

He groaned and his shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Her wrath?" came the soft voice behind her.

She turned back and found Lena eyeing her cautiously.

"Should I be concerned, Princess Zor-El?"

"Yes." Winn muttered to the ground.

Kara whacked him in the shoulder and glared at him before covering Lena's hand on her arm comfortingly.

"Don't worry. My mother is genuinely a kind woman, despite her... occasional temper. It will be alright, I promise." Kara squeezed her hand gently.

When Winn slid his hands behind his back and gave Kara a prompting look, she stepped back slightly so that she could properly introduce them to each other.

"Princess Lena, this is Sir Winslow Schott Jr., my personal mentor, adviser, and chief engineer."

Lena's royal etiquette kicked in like an old habit, and she reached her hand forward towards him while dipping into a shallow curtsy. He took her hand with a warm palm and bowed at the waist, keeping hold of it as he stood. His smile was bright and friendly.

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