2- Taking Flight

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Kara pulled the door open slowly, peering around the corner. Lena shifted from one foot to the other behind her, her heart racing. A hand blindly reached out and grabbed the front of her robes to get her attention, and Kara turned to look at her over her shoulder.

"We must be fast. You know these halls – can you lead us?"

Lena nodded her affirmation.

"I have it memorized. There is a corridor down here with an exit behind the castle. It is only used by the kitchen staff to bring slaughtered animals in, and they've all gone for the night."

"Good choice." Kara swung the door open wider and pulled Lena forward, checking that the path was clear once more before tugging her out and silently closing it behind them. She gave her a confident look.

"I'll be right behind you."

It inexplicably filled Lena with a sense of calm, and she started down the corridor quickly. Kara kept pace just behind her, as promised. Torches flickered at even spaces along the halls, and she tried to stick to the shadows beneath them. She darted around a corner, her heart pounding with every step.

Suddenly, Kara yanked her into a deep, black doorway. A strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her tightly against a solid body, while a hand simultaneously covered her mouth. The message was immediately clear.

Lena could faintly hear conversation and armor clinking softly. The sounds grew louder and louder until the two guards from Kara's cell slowly walked past. Lena's heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest. If they only looked to their left...

The arm around her waist tightened almost imperceptibly, and she held her breath. When they were finally out of earshot, she released it shakily.

Breath ghosted softly against her ear. "They will discover us soon. Lead the way."

Lena nodded and checked up and down the halls before dashing back down the hallway. Her soft footsteps were silent, and she had to trust that Kara was behind her – she swore the Kryptonian didn't even breath, she was so quiet.

Left, left, right, left... They passed through a creaking door that made Lena feel as if it surely woke the entire castle, but it closed behind them uneventfully.

They stole softly through the hall and into the back of the kitchen. Hot embers glowed in an old stove, but it was mercifully empty. Lena ducked into the pantry and motioned for Kara.

"Come. It's this way." Lena tugged the pantry door shut behind her and lead her back to the final door that stood between them and freedom.

Kara eased it open and braved a glance outside.

"No one." Lena nodded. As she suspected.

Kara quickly pulled the pack down from her back and tugged the flap open, kneeling and looking up at Lena earnestly.

"Are there any shoes in here? Boots, maybe?"

Lena was grabbing last minute items from the pantry, nodding.

"Yes, I tried to get as many of your things as I could from the Captain's office last night after he stumbled home from the dining hall. I'm sorry that it isn't more, but it will have to suffice."

Kara's eyes widened. "My things!" She dug through the pack and produced soft leather boots with sturdy soles, an extra black tunic, her family's dagger, and... there.

She tugged up on a flap of dark red cloth, joy spreading through her chest like wildfire.

"My cloak. You got my cloak," she whispered to Lena.

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