5- Homecoming

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The flight to Krypton was two hours of pure torture for Lena. Kara had her arms securely around her the entire time, and she never felt as if she was unsafe.

It was simply the knowledge that she was hurtling through the sky faster than any other living creature, soaring over a vast and open sea with nothing between them but air, that caused her stomach to twist into knots.

She spent the duration of the trip curled up tightly in Kara's arms, her fists clutching at the thick red cloak at the Kryptonian's shoulder, her face pressed into the crook of her neck. Kara glanced down at her sympathetically, squeezing her gently.

"We're almost there, princess."

Lena nodded briefly, her grip unrelenting.

Several minutes later, Kara had substantially slowed her speed. Lena dared to slowly peek down, and felt relief wash over her to see soft white sand beneath them. She turned her head to look in the direction of travel, and her gasp caught in her chest.

Rising up from the shores of soaring white cliffs stood the most beautiful structure Lena had ever seen. It was a palace that seemed to be made entirely of glass and white marble, and it stretched into the sky endlessly. A tall spire stood in the center, strong and proud, while shorter and shorter spires graduated backwards, away from the cliff face. It glinted with early afternoon sun, the pale blue of the sky streaked with white clouds behind it. The glass seemed to reflect a myriad of colors – lavender, bright green, pink, teal, the blue of the ocean. Lena simply marveled at it.

Kara smiled softly, affection filling her eyes as she gazed at it.

"Welcome to the Crystal Palace. This is my home."

Lena blew out a breath slowly, wonder still tinting her tone.

"It's gorgeous, Kara."

This seemed to please the Kryptonian, who beamed steadily as they continued their slow flight closer and closer to the palace.

"For as long as you wish, no matter where you go, you will always have a place here to return to."

Lena's lips parted and unexpected tears stung her eyes. She cleared her throat and attempted a chuckle, swiping at the corner of her eye.

"I'm not sure I could live here. I mean... does it even have a dungeon?"

A laugh burst from Kara's chest, and her eyebrows shot up as she looked down at the brunette in her arms.

"Lena, did you just make a joke?"

Lena grumbled and pierced her with a glare that would have been much more threatening if she wasn't still desperately clutching at the blonde.

A few minutes later, Kara was guiding them down onto a flat, white stone outcropping that lead directly into the side of the tallest spire. She landed with a soft thump, and carefully set Lena down on her feet. Her hands stayed around the shorter woman's waist, holding her steady.

Lena kept a hand on Kara's shoulder and took a few tentative steps on shaking legs, breathing deeply. She nodded and Kara released her, tugging the pack off her back and rolling her shoulders out. Her deep red cloak flapped in the wind behind her, catching Lena's eye.

She watched the blonde shuffle her fingers through her hair, gently tugging out a few wind-blown knots. The sun glinted across golden hair and tawny skin, and Lena was struck once again by how beautiful she was.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Kara flashing a dazzling smile at her.

"Well, Lena Zor-El. Are you ready to meet your new family?"

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