Getting To Know Them

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Late at night in the Owl House

Y/n is sleeping on the couch. His eyes twitch almost like he's having a nightmare.

Y/n: *Groaning in his sleep* "Dad."

Y/n Dream, Y/n POV

Y/n sees his Dad just casually leaving him behind, and then the Gorgom take him away. Cut back to the real world,
Y/n is starting to sweat on his forehead.

Y/n: "No."

He's now clenching on to his stomach, which shows a massive and very noticeable scar on top.

Back to his dream, he is now taken to what looks like a castle where he is seated on a cold steel examination table

Dream Y/n: "Hey, stop, that hurts!"

Gorgom2: "If you wish to survive in this realm, then you must blend in, and so your ears have to be cut."

Dream Y/n: "You couldn't put me to sleep first?"

She cuts his ears, it was painful for him especially since they didn't him on anesthetic making it look like he's a Witch. They then brought Y/n to meet Emperor Belos, whom he was already terrified of just from his appearance.

Belos: "Gorgom, who is this child?"

Gorgom1: "He is the one of the 2 children that will soon to be the most powerful weapon in your disposal, my liege. This is Black Sun. "

Belos: "Hmm, he's a little younger from the previous attempts. Are you sure he can handle it?"

Gorgom1: "We assure sir that he and Moon will be at their strongest before the day of unity emerges."

Belos: *Coughs* "Very well then dismissed."

They we're on their way out until

Belos: "Oh and one more thing, Witchling. Do not disappoint me. There will be consequences for people who disappoint me."

Those Dark Blue eyes were walked closer and closer to him until he was so close it woke him up from that reality of a nightmare. Y/n still clenching his waist, feeling the scar on it, and looking around the room to see it's still nighttime and doubt he's gonna go back to sleep anytime soon. He turns to the left to see Luz too close.

Luz: "Good morning!"

Y/n: "You know I expected more from the owl worm thing to do this?"

Luz: "So how was your second night here?"

Y/n: "It was going great until someone forgot about people's personal space."

Luz backs up with both hand up in the air like she surrendering. Y/n gets up and walks up to the front door.

Luz: "Wawait! I'm sorry, um, please don't leave."

Y/n: "Relax, kid, I'm just gonna go for a walk into the city. I'll be back before Eda wakes up."

He opens the door and sees Eda in the front door already with her arms crossed and foot repeatedly tapping the ground.

Eda: "Not happening, bucko."

Y/n: "How long have you been standing there?"

Eda is getting closer to Y/n

Eda: "You're not going anywhere without me."

Y/n: "Wow, none of you people dont get the concept of personal space." *He pushes her face gently away*

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