삼 3

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After getting off the phone with Soobin, Beomgyu spent the next few minutes spacing out and then spent a few more pacing back and forth.
He could only wonder how something like this would happen.. he just didn't understand. He knew he should just stop trying to figure it out as it was pretty much useless now but it was hard to do that.

So, he decided to look around his new room a bit- hoping that if he got distracted then he'd stop worrying. Doing this, only made him feel extremely jealous of how nice this room was.. compared to his small room back at home-- this was at least 5 of them put together. Not even to mention, how nice it was decorated. It just felt very fancy and big, he even walked into a bathroom.. his own bathroom which he was shocked about. It even had a huge bathtub that beomgyu knew he would want to use.

He stopped looking after seeing the bathroom, realizing that he didn't need to be jealous because he was living here now apparently.

Beomgyu then chose to look through the clothes and find something comfortable to wear until he had this important dinner later.. which he was actually pretty nervous about.

If he remembered correctly, in the book this dinner got completely blown out of proportion.
Taehyun threw a huge fit over it and it didn't end so well.. but this made Beomgyu wonder what would happen if he just went with it and didn't get upset about the announcement...



Beomgyu had spent the whole day, laying in the oddly comfortable bed, occasionally getting interrupted by his assistant. Who was really just checking on his health because he was worried from his actions in the morning. He also happened to bring him breakfast and lunch, not making him go eat in the dining room— which Beomgyu was incredibly grateful for.

He was absolutely dreading going to this dinner.
But of course, he was ready before 6pm. He put on the suit that was hanging up in the closet. The suit was a all black one, even the tie, it was pretty simple to say the least. But you could just tell by the material that it cost a lot of money.
Beomgyu knew he would never usually wear it, it felt way too expensive. Not to mention that it looked way too perfect, he was scared to even eat in it.

He stared at himself in his mirror, admiring himself if he was being completely honest. He sort of was impressed with how he looked, he didn't look so.. plain for once.

Beomgyu had always thought that he looked plain or dull... because of the lack of attention he'd gotten from boys.. also girls. even if he wasn't fond of them.
He was aware that no one has openly had a crush on him, and it did hurt his pride quite a bit even if he didn't show it and kept it to himself.
He's always secretly hoped to fall in love with someone, genuinely.

Beomgyu took a deep breath and fixed his hair in the mirror when he heard a quiet knock on the door, it opened a second after.
Only to reveal Kai, he was also wearing a suit but more of a basic one. He smiled brightly and bowed politely, "You look great Beomgyu Sir.. Are you ready to go down?" the boy asked as he held the door open.

Beomgyu raised his eyebrows, he definitely wasn't used to this much politeness in his life.. That's because, he really only hangs out with Soobin who obviously isn't polite to him since he's older- but then he remembered that he was a prince or whatever.

It made a lot more sense but it didn't stop him from feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Kai, don't call me sir.. please, just talk to me comfortably like earlier," Beomgyu said softly, knowing he should play the part right since he wasn't getting out of this anytime soon.

Huening Kai hummed and looked at him confusingly, quickly shaking his head. "Sir, I can't do that. I only did that this morning because you seemed upset. If your parents heard, I'd be dead."

"That's an overstatement." Beomgyu knew it probably wasn't, since he was a prince and he was starting to remember how strict Taehyuns parents really are (who are now his parents actually)

Kai laughed nervously and nodded his head. "Okay fine, but I'll only do it in private. Not in front of them, okay?" Beomgyu nodded happily in response, showing a smile for the first time today.

Huening Kai sighed, "You're so strange today... first you woke up saying that you don't remember me and now you don't want me to call you politely.. what happened to you?" he asked as Beomgyu started to walk out the door, he shrugged his shoulders as he stood outside the room— he felt weirdly excited to see the rest of the home.

"I had some weird dream this morning that's all... Also, I just wanted some kind of change since I'm stuck here forever." Beomgyu replied, only to have Kai frown when he shut the door and they finally started walking down the long hallway.

"Don't talk like that.. You know your parents only want the best for you, and you can get out soon when you get married." he smiled his bright smile which made Beomgyu want to smile at the sight, the boy had a really contagious smile and aura.
Beomgyu decided to roll his eyes as they continued to walk farther down the huge hallway, he glanced around in awe but he tried not to show it.

"I don't even want to get married, this is so fucking stupid. They want me to get married to some random person for their personal liking.. I'm never going to be able to fall in love." Beomgyu said glaring at nothing, maybe he was getting too into this role already. He thought that he might as well, it's apparently his life now.

Kai scoffed and placed a reassuring hand on the other's back as they began to walk down a HUGE glass staircase, Beomgyu has never been in a building so fancy looking before he couldn't believe it.

"I know Beomgyu... But I promise, it'll be fine. Just go along with their plan, and everything will go fine." I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure everything is not going to be fine , according to the book.

Beomgyu shrugged his shoulders once they reached the end of the stairs, deciding to stay quiet before he said something dumb.
He looked around, his mouth slightly opening in awe. It was amazing, the most beautiful place he's ever seen really.
Kai led him to this big dining room where he saw his "parents" sitting on the opposite side from where he walked in at. They smiled fakely at him, his dad gestured for Beomgyu to sit in front of them.

Beomgyu nervously looked beside him at Huening Kai who gave him a soft reassuring smile and stood by the door, closing it when he went by it.

Beomgyu hesitantly sat in the very comfortable chair, he suddenly couldn't remember exactly what happened in this part which only made him feel more nervous and afraid of what would happen.

He spaced out, not even realizing that the food was brought in and they had placed a plate in front of him.
That was because, he was just now remembering the other main character who he was talking about hating so much... he was going to meet him.

He really was going to meet him, when he even said he would never want to meet someone like him in his life.
He would give that guy a piece of his mind but he knew he had to go along with it. Sure, he could change what he says (because how the hell would he remember the dialogue in the book) but he couldn't exactly change the storyline.. Or could he?


1356 words 💭

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