발 8

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Beomgyus eyes slightly opened, squinting immediately at the sudden sunlight shining through the curtains. He pulled the blanket over his head and felt comfortable once again, closing his eyes gently.

He could even find himself falling back asleep, or- that was until he remembered where he was.
His eyes shot back open and he sat up, looking around tiredly. He was praying that it was just some kind of dream, but of course it still wasn't.

He was immediately relieved to see that Yeonjun wasn't in the room anymore, he sighed and started to stand up. He didn't even want to know how the blanket got on top of him, and he didn't even remember falling asleep. He must've been really tired.

Beomgyu walked into his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, he felt and looked like shit. So, he came to the conclusion that he should take a shower and try to get dressed. Even if he knew he'd be locked inside all day so there was no reason.
He wasn't even planning on leaving this room to face the boy again, but he knew he'd come in sometime.



Beomgyu stepped out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed and much better than before. He had the towel wrapped around his waist as he looked around the room blankly, feeling too lazy to find a outfit.
He did also feel a little uneasy knowing he didn't even have his phone on him, but he figured it'd be fine.. He just had to deal with being stuck here for now.

Interrupting beomgyus thoughts, there was a knock on the door.
Beomgyu momentarily forgetting that he was half naked, answered "Come in."

The door opened quickly, Beomgyu already knowing who it was just by the voice.
"Morning Beomgyu, i have some breakf-"

The room was completely silent, which did make Beomgyu feel very uneasy.
He looked towards the door to see Yeonjun staring at him with his mouth slightly agape.
Beomgyu tilted his head at him, wondering why the boy looked so flustered. That was until he remembered that he was still in the towel.
"Ah shit-" he whisper yelled as he darted right back into his bathroom, locking the door behind him.

He rested his back against the door— he even felt his face heating up for some reason.
He was so distracted by his own thoughts that he completely forgot about not being dressed. Yeonjun really saw him nearly naked.
Beomgyu didn't want to believe it. He convinced himself that if he kept quiet, Yeonjun would just leave the room and not speak of it.
But no.. he was wrong.

"Beomgyu~ you don't have to be so shy. It's not like i'm drooling over you or anything.. I don't even like guys so don't worry. Just come downstairs for breakfast when you're done."

Beomgyu heard the door shut and he could finally let go of the breath he was holding.
"if you didn't then why'd you stare at me as if you were drooling?.." he mumbled annoyingly to himself, crossing his arms.
For some reason, Beomgyu couldn't remember Yeonjun not liking guys in the book. Which only proved his theory even more that his memory was partially gone.



Once Beomgyu was fully dressed, he made his way downstairs.
He even just felt nervous walking out of the room and facing Yeonjun but he knew he had no choice.

He got to the bottom of the stairs and looked around curiously, until he found the dining room.
If he was being honest, this house wasn't nearly as big as the other one.. but it was way bigger than he thought it'd be. It definitely was way too big for one person to live in.

He saw Yeonjun sitting by himself at the table, scrolling through his phone. He had the plate of food still in front of him, not one bite taken. Beomgyu thought it looked pretty good which made him wonder if Yeonjun cooked it.
Is he a good cook?

"Were you waiting for me or something?" Beomgyu broke the silence as he went and sat in the seat in front of Yeonjun who stared at him as if he was shocked.
He scoffed and set his phone down, shaking his head. "Like i'd do that.. i just got distracted."

He began eating.
Beomgyu for some reason, was curious about how he was acting so normal about all this.
Last night, he practically kidnapped the poor boy.. And he had no explanation.

"So where's my explanation?" Beomgyu asked, breaking the silence once again. He ate only two bites before he decided to ask and get it over with.
Yeonjun raised an eyebrow and looked up at him, no longer focused on the nearly empty plate.
He met Beomgyus eyes, "Explanation?" he questioned, not leaving the boys eyes as he picked up the glass of orange juice and took a sip of it.

Beomgyu on the other hand, felt his heart racing as he wanted to look away but couldn't find himself being able to.
"You know... Why exactly am i here?" he finally looked away from him and down at the plate of food, he couldn't bare staring into his eyes anymore..

He heard Yeonjun hum and his fork touch the bottom of his plate. "Oh that.. There's not much of an explanation really. My parents really hate your parents, so they ordered me to take you for a bit, hoping to get some kind of money out of it." Beomgyu only looked at the boy who had a nonchalant expression on his face, as if it was nothing.

"Do you really think they're gonna give you money to get me out?" Beomgyu asked, genuinely wondering. He didn't know actually how much his parents wanted to get him home, he was curious though. He believed they might pay a lot because of this wedding he's supposed to have only in less than a week.

Yeonjun laughed, showing a genuine smile it seemed like. Beomgyu almost wanted to smile too but he stayed neutral, he was glad he was able to control his emotions.

"What kind of question is that? I'm pretty sure they'd give up their whole life to get you home." Yeonjun sounded pretty confident with his statement which did make Beomgyu curious as to if he was right not.

Beomgyu sighed and shook his head, he was sure his "parents" did care about him.. but he didn't believe they'd give their whole life for him. He was curious if they were flipping out yet when they noticed he wasn't home though.

"So how long is this actually supposed to take??" he asked, changing the subject now. Yeonjun hummed and shrugged his shoulders before taking a drink of drink. "Depends. Why? Are you in a rush to get out or something? If i recall.. you don't do anything, you stay at home all day. Also, you're being forced to get married to someone you don't know. I think you should feel relieved that you get some kind of break."

Yeonjun only stared at the younger with a small smile on his face as if he was proud of his words.
Beomgyu scoffed and took one more bite before standing up from his seat. "Like i'm gonna be able to go anywhere while i'm here. I'm sure you're just gonna keep me locked up as well." he rolled his eyes and started to pick up his plate to try and take it to the kitchen to be polite.
But yeonjun only jumped up and grabbed it from him, grabbing his as well.

"i'll have you know Beomgyu.. I wasn't planning on keeping you locked up, okay? We can do whatever you want, we just have to be careful." Yeonjun suddenly had a playful smile on his face. Beomgyu only raised his eyebrows in confusion, "what about your parents?"

"i mean.. they don't have to know. Right?"


1335 words 💭

| took me much longer to get this part out my bad lol.. but i just graduated yayyy :D |

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