십사 | 14

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A whole week had gone by after they had gone ice skating. And everything was going great in Beomgyus' opinion. He was genuinely having so much fun with Yeonjun, they did something different every day.. He just never thought it'd be possible to enjoy being here THIS much. He now didn't know if he wanted to ever leave.

If you asked him before they made up last week he wouldn't have hesitated to go back home- but now... he wasn't so sure if he'd be able to be away from Yeonjun after getting so used to spending every day with the boy. But he knew it wasn't possible to stay, so he tried his best to not get attached. although he knew it was too late for that.


It was a Tuesday evening when Beomgyu was carefully walking down the stairs.
Really, he was planning to scare Yeonjun since the older barged into his room earlier saying he was gonna cook dinner. Not to mention that he nearly gave him a heart attack once he did so.

He snuck downstairs, hardly making any noise as he made it to the living room. He had a mischievous smile stuck on his face as he made it to the kitchen but right as he was about to turn the corner, he heard Yeonjun talking on the phone...

So, he decided to stay there for a moment- not wanting to interrupt but also curious about who he was talking to.

"he's been fine.. great actually, we have been hanging out a lot."
"really...? When?"

"what.. Tomorrow? Seriously??? dad, please-"

"n-no of course not." "okay fine, talk to you later."

Beomgyu really tried his best to interpret what conversation he heard but it was hard when he literally could only hear Yeonjuns side..
What's tomorrow??

Also, he was pretty sure it was about him based on what he said. But he pushed it away and skipped into the kitchen as if he was a child going to see his parent but in this case- It was an excited Beomgyu who was both hungry and eager to see Yeonjun for some reason.

Yeonjun looked right at him, a smile quickly reached his lips but Beomgyu could tell by his eyes that he was bothered by something. "Who was on the phone?" Beomgyu asked with curiosity in his tone although he knew it was his dad.
Yeonjun only hummed and turned back to the stove to finish what he was cooking, beomgyu almost could start drooling just by the smell.

Yeonjun seemed to be hesitating to answer but finally, he sighed and turned towards Beomgyu who was now sitting on the chair that sat in front of the kitchen counter.
"It was my dad... And, good news~ you get to go home tomorrow" He showed a small smile, but it still wasn't reaching his eyes.

Beomgyu suddenly was completely speechless, he actually couldn't form any words to reply. For some reason, he felt choked up. Sure he knew he was supposed to leave this week.. but tomorrow?? He didn't want to accept that.

"Really?.." Beomgyu was only able to mumble in response, not even looking at the boy anymore because he felt like he could cry just by making subtle eye contact.

He didn't know that he'd be this upset to leave, but he was very upset. He started to realize that after spending this past week with the boy... he's never had so much fun. He then started to realize the constant butterfly feelings he kept getting just from Yeonjuns small gestures. When the other stared into his eyes for just a split second.. or when he ruffled his hair-

Do I like Yeonjun?..

shit... I like him-

Beomgyu felt his heart skip a beat at the sudden realization, but it made so much sense.. as he never really felt like this for anyone before.
But, he could've sworn he felt his heart break a little when he remembered he was in a book.. he could never be with Yeonjun forever..

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