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"Choi Beomgyu.... You're a lot prettier than i thought you'd be."

Beomgyu slowly and hesitantly opened his eyes, they were met with probably the most attractive guy that hes ever seen before.
The first thing that came to mind, was that he recognized him from somewhere but he couldn't figure it out right away but he could've sworn that he'd seen his face before.

He knew he'd figure it out soon enough.

"w-who are you?" this question was useless, Beomgyu could guess easily who the guy was..
If he was in this so-called story then this had to be Choi Yeonjun.

The character that he hated so much was now standing in front of him and he didn't know what to do.

The boy smirked a little and shrugged his shoulders, he then sat in front of Beomgyu, still leaving lots of space between them.

He was wearing a black sweatshirt, and some ripped jeans, his black hair was messy but he weirdly still looked so good. Beomgyu couldn't understand how.

"Does that matter? Shouldn't you be asking why i'm here, instead?" he asked, a nonchalant expression on his face.
Beomgyu raised his eyebrows, feeling a little intimidated but he knew he shouldn't act like he was.

"I mean.. Fine, why are you here?" Beomgyu thought of everything that he could say but nothing came up, he was trying hard not to show how nervous he was but he knew it was obvious.

Yeonjun smiled more softly this time, seeming to notice the others mood- Beomgyu couldn't help but think his smile was even prettier than his whole face- it was definitely his best feature to him.

"Hm well, prince. i'm here to take you with me."

As expected.

Beomgyu knew he'd say something like that, remembering what was happening in the book- as he did read this part already.
Still, he had no idea how to reply to that.

So, he let out a sarcastic laugh and glared at the boy in front of him- Yeonjun looked to be a bit taken aback at the sudden confidence.
"I don't know who the hell you are. But you can't just take me with you. What do you even mean?" he replied, still giving him a rude stare. The boy showed a small smile, acting as if he wasn't bothered by his attitude.

"No need to get so feisty.. really i'm not trying to cause any problems." He said shrugging his shoulders and glancing up at the sky, he looked back down to make eye contact with beomgyu.

Beomgyu felt like he could start stuttering because of it but he knew he had to keep his cool. "You're not trying to start problems? Don't you think kidnapping me is going to start a whole lot of issues?" He asked while looking at Yeonjun in disbelief.

He let out a laugh and raised his eyebrows, "Prince, i'm not kidnapping you, okay? Think of it as doing you a favor." he said with a mischievous grin on his face.
Beomgyu scoffed and shook his head, he was about to stand up and just walk away- he was already annoyed with this boy, he knew he would be since he already hated his character but this was a lot more than he thought.

"Doing me a favor? What the fuck- that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard." Beomgyu raised his voice slightly, yeonjun sighed softly, still seeming to be weirdly calm as he put up a hand to tell him to be quiet.

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