시빌 11

96 9 39

this a pretty quick update for once in a while !!!! les gaurrrrr (also.. another long part so enjoy lol)

The night went pretty quiet after Beomgyu went to his room. Like, awfully quiet and he hated it. Yeonjun hadn't come check on him or anything.

... It's not like he had expected him to. But, he wondered what he was doing. Also, he skipped dinner which didn't make sense... Yeonjun was supposed to make them food, as he said earlier that day, but he did not once go tell Beomgyu dinner was done or anything. So Beomgyu just came to the conclusion that the boy was mad over something he wasn't exactly sure about.

So he went to sleep that night, not even leaving his room once despite feeling starving.. He had a bad feeling so he'd rather stay safe. Even if he was most likely overthinking it.


"Okay, I can't stay in this room all day..." Beomgyu mumbled to himself as he paced back and forth, contemplating. It was already noon on the next day and he still hadn't left his room.
He knew it couldn't be THAT big of a deal.. He should just go speak to him, maybe Yeonjun just got tired last night so he couldn't cook...

At this time, Beomgyu really wished he had the ability to remember what happened at this point in the book, but he couldn't.. And it was very frustrating, especially because everything felt so real now- he almost forgot this was all basically planned.

He took a deep breath and finally got the courage to open his door and walk downstairs, still dressed in his pajamas.

He practically tiptoed down the stairs, just hoping for it all to go well. He didn't even know if the other would already be out here or not yet.

He sighed once he reached the living room,  still not seeing Yeonjun anywhere which was slightly concerning but also not because this house is huge.. he could really be anywhere.

As he was about to give up, he walked into the kitchen and finally saw the boy.
He wore sweatpants and was shirtless, which Beomgyu didn't completely hate to see.. and tried to ignore it but he could've sworn that his heart skipped a beat at the sight.

"Yeonjun??" He blurted out, ignoring his thoughts as he stood on the other side of the counter. He stared at his back unknowingly as the other searched the fridge for something.
He waited patiently for an answer, but weirdly he got none. The boy didn't even look at him.

"Are you ignoring me? What did I do?" Beomgyu asked, confused as to why he was upset.. He figured it was probably because of last night but he couldn't understand why he'd be upset about that.

Yeonjun only glanced back at him for a quick second, acknowledging his presence before grabbing a drink and shutting the fridge, finally turning his whole body towards Beomgyu.

"What do you want?" The boy asked coldly, his face was blank and he looked upset of course.
Beomgyu would've been more bothered that he was shirtless, and he looked really nice like that.. but he ignored it and focused on the current problem.

"Why're you mad at me?" Beomgyu tried his best to be polite, although he wanted to get mad about it. He had no idea why he was so worried over this boy.. he just didn't get it. All these emotions he was suddenly getting were so new and different, he didn't know what to do with them.

"It's nothing, there's food in the fridge. And please don't bother me anymore. Or at least till you leave which should be next week. thanks." The boy replied, his face still blank and showing no emotion as he walked back to his room upstairs.

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