십이 |12

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Obviously, after the last night.. Beomgyu was hurt and he couldn't help but cry over what happened.
Even though he didn't want to be upset, he was starting to realize why he hated Yeonjuns character so much, even though this wasn't THAT bad. He started wondering if he would get worse..

If he was being honest, he didn't sleep at all. He was up all night, crying some of the time. And looking at the blank wall, rethinking his decisions. He kept wishing to go home, even to his "fake" home.. Because at that moment, he'd rather be anywhere but here. He knew he was probably making a big deal out of this, but he just didn't get why Yeonjun had to slap him.
He didn't think he said anything that bad to offend him.. He was really just trying to help.

Maybe he was just misunderstanding it, especially because the boy did try to apologize... He just wasn't ready to hear his reasoning yet. All he could wonder was if Yeonjun hated him because of who he was.. which hurt even more than the slap.

As if it was on cue, he heard a knock on his door, interrupting his thoughts. The boy sat on the floor, his back leaned against his bed while he faced the door. "Who else could that be.." he mumbled sarcastically to himself, sighing as he shut his eyes. He had his door locked and he didn't plan on opening it.

"Beomgyu~ Please can we talk?"

There was silence. And that was because Beomgyu decided to completely ignore him. Sure, he sort of wanted to hear him out and accept his apology. But at the same time, he didn't want to be easy, Yeonjun had really hurt his feelings. He couldn't just let him win like that.

He heard the boy sigh, "Just.. when you're ready please come talk to me. I'm sorry."

If Beomgyu was being honest he did feel a little remorse after hearing the sincerity in his voice. But that didn't change what he felt so he ignored it and continued to space out while the other returned to his room.


Beomgyu did exactly what he wanted to, he didn't talk to the boy once that entire day. Although Yeonjun came back at least 10 times, he still didn't answer once. He was proud of himself because he wasn't usually good at holding grudges... Especially when that person keeps trying to apologize- also when he's very attracted to him but that's besides the point..

He finally started to fold and he felt bad now.. maybe he should at least hear him out, he thought.
But he looked at the clock with widened eyes.
1:00 am???

He was shocked, to say the least, he's been sitting there for that long- since he woke up that morning.
And he hadn't even eaten anything yet. He took this as a chance to try to talk to Yeonjun and get food, hoping that the other was even awake still.

He sighed and walked down the hallway to the boys' room, hesitant for a few minutes. He didn't know if this would be a good idea or not, but his gut was telling him to just try.
Beomgyu carefully knocked on the door, hoping that Yeonjun wasn't sleeping. But to his surprise, the door opened only 3 seconds later. 'was he waiting for me?..' Beomgyu felt flustered just wondering that.

Yeonjun seemed to be examining Beomgyus's face, while Beomgyu was doing the same but more slyly. He felt worried, seeing the boy's red puffy eyes as if he'd been crying, his messy hair, and the light pink on his cheeks.
He didn't want to assume that the other was crying because of what happened but that's all he could think of which was shocking to him.

Yeonjun didn't speak, seeming to be too distracted so Beomgyu spoke first. "I'm here because... I think I'm ready to talk." He said in a quiet voice, feeling a little shy from all the staring he was getting.
Yeonjuns eyes seemed to light up, he showed a small smile and Beomgyu almost melted at how cute it was but then he remembered he was mad at the boy.
"Really?... Here- first, can I show you something?" he asked as the tone in his voice was very cheerful all of a sudden. Beomgyu didn't know what to do, he thought they'd just talk but.. he didn't know he'd want to show him something.

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