십오 | 15

103 8 28

Beomgyu knew it probably wasn't the best decision to stay at Yeonjuns longer.. But he couldn't refuse, he felt bad. Also, it wasn't only that. He genuinely wanted to stay.

So when two days had passed, he felt a weird feeling building up inside him that he guessed was worry.

His parents were probably very anxious by now and freaking out.. Probably sending out cops to look for him...
He even began to worry about what would happen to Yeonjun- would he be blamed for this??

Beomgyu sighed, hating that this was what popped into his head first when he woke up that morning. He looked around his room, having the feeling that he was leaving today- so he figured he might as well take it all in just in case.

He stood up and looked at himself in the full-body mirror, coming to the conclusion that he should try to look decent today because he thought he looked horrible. So he took a long shower, styled his hair, put on a nice but casual outfit- and even wore light makeup.

Which wasn't a usual thing for him.. but it really was just some lip tint and light blush- still, he thought he looked good, and he did. He didn't even question why there was some makeup in the bathroom door.. but he figured it'd be fine to borrow some. 

He walked downstairs, not seeing Yeonjun yet so he decided to search the fridge for a water bottle which he quickly found and began chugging it. 

"Damn- you thirsty or something?"

Beomgyu looked over towards where the voice came from with a small smile forming on his face, obviously knowing it was Yeonjun. He couldn't stop himself from admiring him for a few moments, although the boy was just wearing something so simple.. He looked perfect.

He even noticed Yeonjun staring at him weirdly, but he quickly ignored that- not wanting to overthink it. 

Beomgyu quickly nodded and set the nearly empty bottle down on the counter, "I haven't had anything to drink yet.." He replied, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed by Yeonjun seeing that. 

Yeonjun hummed understandingly and walked past Beomgyu and to the fridge to also get some water. "Has your dad tried to get ahold of you at all?" Beomgyu suddenly, asked feeling curious if he'd be leaving- he wanted to at least be somewhat prepared for it. 

Yeonjun glanced at the boy, a glint of worry in his eyes but it was quickly covered up by a soft smile. "No, he hasn't i think i might be able to get you to stay a little longer if possible-"

"Yeonjun.. I don't think it's a great idea." Beomgyu hated to say that sentence, but it was the truth. He knew he should just trust the feeling in his gut that was telling him something bad would happen if he didn't leave today. 

Yeonjun stared at Beomgyu with a frown now on his lips. "H-how come?.. I thought you were enjoying it here.." The boys whole mood shifted and it even made Beomgyus' heart break a little at the sight of a sad Yeonjun. "No, no It's not that at all- in fact I don't want to leave at all.. But if i don't, me and you both know it'll end badly." Beomgyu met Yeonjuns eyes, ones filled with sincerity and sadness in the others. 

"I know that.. When should you leave then?" Yeonjun sighed, seeming to accept it although he didn't want to. "Today.. It's already been two days- this is our best option. I don't want anything bad to happen to you." He said honestly, showing a small smile even though it was forced. 

Yeonjun hummed sadly and placed his hand on the boys shoulder, "Okay, but first.. Can we go somewhere? I know it might be a little risky cause i'm sure they are looking already. I just want to do something before you go. We will be careful." 

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