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"So, what's it like being... a prince?"

Beomgyu sat in the back of a a car, specifically a SUV, with his arms crossed over his chest. He didn't even bother buckling his seatbelt but sadly Yeonjun made him.

"What do you think it's like?" Beomgyu questioned, looking up at the rear view mirror to look at Yeonjuns eyes. Sure, Beomgyu himself didn't even know what it was like being a prince— but he could guess.

Yeonjun focused on the road as he drove in the darkness, they had two cars following close behind them- Beomgyu guessed they were his 'people' or whatever.

Yeonjun scoffed and glanced at his eyes through the mirror which did have Beomgyu feel a weird feeling in his stomach at the sudden eye contact.

"You're quite stubborn aren't you?"

Beomgyu knew he shouldn't feel attracted to this man— who's personality which he absolutely hated..
But it was difficult when his face was perfectly his ideal type.

Beomgyu then heard something click in his mind. He realized that Yeonjun was definitely the boy in his dream the other night... It was the only right conclusion, he was the boy that was so perfect—
Beomgyu immediately felt disappointed, now knowing who it was and that even though his looks were everything he wanted ... his personality definitely wasn't. But he couldn't help but wonder why it was him that was in his dream.

"You expect me not to be stubborn? Especially when you're putting me in this kind of situation?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at the boy before looking out the front window- trying to clear his thoughts.

Yeonjun hummed, "No no, i understand Beomgyu. It's not my fault though- Ah i'll give you the whole explanation later, okay?" The boy had a weird apologetic tone in his voice which made Beomgyu feel a little empathetic but he was quick to keep his face blank with no smile.

"Fine. How long will i be here for, Mr. daniel?" Beomgyu asked jokingly, bringing back the boys english name- apparently.
Yeonjun let out a laugh and made a turn at a stop light, "i can't say that i know the answer to that, prince." he said honestly.

Beomgyu only nodded even if the other couldn't see him.
He wished he was given an actual time frame but he decided not pry.


The rest of the car drive was silent. But it did consist of Yeonjun trying to make small talk while Beomgyu only ignored him by giving him short replies- to which the older finally gave up and played some music instead.

Beomgyu was stuck with his own thoughts anyways, he realized that he genuinely didn't remember what happened in the book- it was weird, it was kind of as if part of his memory got erased...
Not to mention, Beomgyu knew he hated Yeonjuns character, but weirdly he couldn't remember what he had done wrong in the book.

It was very frustrating to him.

"Okay, we are here." Yeonjun suddenly spoke up, pulling into a driveway of some sort.
Beomgyu raised his eyebrows, "Where is 'here' exactly?" he asked with annoyance in his tone, not only because he had to go into some random house but also because of his prior thoughts.

Yeonjun unbuckled his own seatbelt and looked back at Beomgyu, a small smile on his face. "My house, of course. Where else?"

Beomgyu stared at the boy, who had a coy smile stuck on his face. Beomgyu scoffed and unblocked his seatbelt as well. "Are you gonna keep me in your basement or some shit?" he asked, still using his annoyed tone, just joking but he was also pretty curious— because he was ready to argue if that was the plan.

Yeonjun laughed softly and opened his car door, going and opening the back door for Beomgyu who hesitantly stepped out. "Don't worry Beomgyu, you'll have your own room... Just think of it as you going on a little vacation or something." he suggested, leaning a bit closer to Beomgyu "i'll be here to keep you company too." he winked before slowly backing away and Beomgyu could've sworn he felt his stomach doing backflips or something.
He couldn't understand why he felt so shy hearing that and seeing his wink-

"Like i'd want your company." Beomgyu scoffed and crossed his arms impatiently, waiting for the boy to lead the way. He was starting to get tired after all this. He should've been asleep already.

Yeonjun grinned and nodded his head, playfully bowing "You have such a princess attitude~" he teased as he shut the car door and started walking towards the house. Beomgyu only glared at him and ignored the statement as he didn't even know how to reply to that and walked close behind him.

Beomgyu looked at the building in amusement, staring up at the surprisingly big house. It looked way nicer than he thought it would be, for sure. He didn't expect someone like Yeonjun to live in a house like this, was it just his? or did he live with someone else?.. Beomgyu was suddenly curious.

Yeonjun seemed to notice his expression and smiled over at him before putting some code into the door. "You like it? I hope you do, because you'll be staying here." he said before the doors suddenly made a loud thud, making Beomgyu jump a little at the sudden noise.

Yeonjun chuckled, noticing and placing a hand on Beomgyus back. "You'll get used to the door."

Beomgyu turned to him and rolled his eyes, stepping forward so he wouldn't touch his back anymore. Yeonjun seemed to understand and immediately dropped his hand, giving beomgyu a mischievous smile. "Let's get you settled in so you can sleep, prince."

"How many times do i have to tell you not to call me prince??"

"I don't think i want to stop, it's cute and it suits you well."

Beomgyu glared at yeonjun as they walked inside the house, but for some reason he couldn't bring himself to feel disgusted with him like he wanted to.. it made no sense to him.


"Here's your room, Beomgyu. There's a full closet of clothes, your own bathroom with everything you need in there, a snack cabinet because why not?... anyways, im sure you'll enjoy it in here." Yeonjuns voice sounded excited as he explained the room to the younger who only looked around blankly. He was purposefully trying not to react. Because he wanted to hate it.. but if he was being honest, he liked this room better than the one at his "house". This was way more cozy.

Beomgyu only nodded his head and walked towards the big bed that had to be at least a queen sized one— beomgyu couldn't wait to sleep on it.
He hesitantly sat on the bed and looked towards Yeonjun who was too busy explaining the huge walk in closet that was full of clothes that were already picked out to his size, Beomgyu didn't even want to know how they knew his size.

Beomgyu didn't realize it but he ended up laying back on the bed and drifting off to sleep, he was much more tired than he thought he was.

1183 words 💭

| sorry anyone who's currently reading, ive been so busy this past week finishing school loll but finally i cant start working on this again!! so please enjoy ^^|

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