Part 1: Anyone Remember Why we Decided to Send Robin Underground Alone?

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"Ah yes..." I smiled, staring at the black screen. "A black screen. Isn't this how all important movies start? Well, I was thinking perhaps we could change that a little bit... how about we start this with, say, pink? Ah yes, relaxing isn't it? Ah, I'm just rambling on at this point. I bet you're wondering who I am. You've never heard my voice before, have you? Well, I, ahem, I mean, we are the newest members of the Justice League. That's right, I'm not alone here, I've got Riddler, Penguin and Mister Freeze with me here..."

"That's right!" All three of them announced in unison.

"Now that I've introduced my friends, it's time for me to introduce myself," I began. "I, I am Flash Freeze... And... I bet you're wondering what my powers are. No, it's not mind reading, that was just a hunch. Anyways, my real powers are ice, hence the freeze part in my name, and speed, hence the flash part in my name. Now, the ice I was born with, but the speed, I was chosen for, just like a friend of mine."

A siren started blaring in the background and a red light began flashing.

"Oh dear, what's this?" I asked. "Oh no... well, what an exciting way to start off a movie... get the intro rolling and let's do this!"

Flash dashed across the screen and his name appeared behind him.

"No," I shook my head. "That's not right...Flash, why would you do this to me I thought we were friends.

The title then froze over and the word freeze appeared in the ice.

"Ah! There we go! That's more like it..." I smiled, and the title faded and the action began.

"We lost Robin's signal!" Superman shouted.

"Where was he last?" I asked.

"Right there," He told me, pointing to a place deep inside the earth.

"Oh my!" I gasped. "You've got to take me there right away!"

We flew through the air until we reached the place where Robin had entered the earth. I jumped in and started falling. I landed on soft sand, bordered by a giant body of water. I was just in time to see Robin's hand fall below the surface. I rushed to build a boat, and rowed out to where his hand had vanished. I reached down into the water and felt him grab it.

As soon as I pulled him up into the boat, I asked him, "Who did this?"

"J-joker," Robin told me shivering from the cold of the water.

"I should have known!" I shouted. "I had a feeling it wouldn't be safe to send you down here alone! What are they up to?"

"I t-think that they're o-out to try and blow some s-stuff up down here," Robin me. "They were armed with bombs..."

"You know what this means, right?" I asked him.

"W-we've got to stop them!" Robin shouted.

"Where were they headed?" I asked.

"T-that way," Robin pointed north.

"Okay," I began. "North it is then! Let's go!"

Robin began rowing frantically, but I couldn't help but notice he was shivering.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried that something was wrong.

"N-no," Robin told me.

"Was the water cold?" I asked.

"Y-yeah," Robin nodded.

"Here," I smiled, reaching into the bag of stuff Superman had packed me. "Take this."

I wrapped a blanket around Robin. Just then, his stomach growled.

"Oh, you must be starving," I pulled out a sandwich Superman had packed and handed it to him. "Here, take this. I'll row for a while."

"Thanks," Robin quickly ate it.

It was starting to get late, but we had to find shore before we got some rest. I spotted a small cave in the distance. I rowed over to it, and Robin and I set up camp there. Robin staggered sleepily into a corner and fell asleep, still covered by the blanket I had given him earlier, and I fell asleep close by.

When I awoke, I was trapped in a cell with golden bars, and I heard Robin groaning. I also heard the Joker's cackling.

"Where is he Joker?!" I asked angrily.

"Ha ha ha," the Joker laughed. "See for yourself."

I looked inside the cell across from me and gasped. Robin was in there!

"Now, Robin," the Joker began, smiling a wicked smile. "Tell me why you're down here or your friend over there gets it!"

"We were just exploring!" Robin told him. "That's all!"

"What were you doing with weapons then?" Joker asked him. "You looked like you were ready to fight at any moment."

"We weren't!" Robin explained. "They were just for any walls we happened to come across."

"LIAR!!!" Joker cried, and threw one of his exploding pies at me.

I caught it in midair.

"Now, Joker, I'm going to ask you a question," I began. "Do you like pie?"

"Yes," Joker told me. "Why?"

"Here!" I told him. "Have some!"

"Yikes!" Joker yelled in surprise as I hurled his pie back at him.

"Come on Robin!" I shouted.

The bomb's explosion had blown away some of the cell bars, and we could escape. We found a secret exit and ran for our secret underground base, only to find all the heros, and the three newest members of the Justice Leauge were missing.

"This is not good..." Robin muttered. "Where could they possibly be?" 

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