Part 9: Did we Learn Nothing From the First Time?

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I formed a path of ice for us to skate on yet again. We all skated over to the town hall.

"This time," Robin told me. "I'll win."
"Not if I can help it!" I shouted back

I was getting ready to skate off at top speed, but Robin stopped me.

"Wait!" He called. "Before you even think about it, don't use your powers, because that's cheating!"
"Alright," I sighed. "You got me. I won't use my powers this time, bud."
"Wait- what did you just-?" Robin started to say, but I was already racing off.


"No one wants to see my show?!" Zelda asked desperately as we entered the theater.

"We do," I offered as we entered.

"YOU..." Zelda glared at us. "I don't want you here! You'll ruin my show! GUARDS!!"
"Ahh!" Penguin cried. "Where's that backup when you need it?"
"We're here!" Sinestro called, almost as if Penguin triggered it. "We found everyone!"

They landed beside us and let everyone join us in battle. They, too, rushed in to join us.

"Batman!" Star Sapphire called over the chaos. "Let's execute my plan!"

"Alright," Bruce Wayne emerged from the crowd.

"WHAT THE-?!" I asked, shocked. "Where did he come from?"
"Beats me," Flash shrugged.

"Y-yeah..." Robin began nervously. "I-I dunno either... heh heh... I- I mean it's not like they- they know each other or anything er- yeah..."

"Zelda, wait!" Bruce Wayne called to her. "Stop!"
"B-Bruce?" Zelda asked, confused. "When did you get here?"
"Just now," Bruce explained. "I heard you were having a show."
"Y-yeah well," Zelda was blushing now.

"What's going on here?" Bruce asked her.

"W-well these guys- I-" Zelda stammered. "I don't know actually..."

"Could you let these guys go for me?" Bruce asked.

"S-sure..." Zelda told him.

"Thanks..." Bruce thanked her.

"Anyways," I added. "Could you help us get back to the present?"

"Of course!" Zelda smiled. "Just promise me one thing."
"Anything," I nodded.

"Tell me, what exactly happened to me?" Zelda asked.

"You were mind controlled by the criminal mastermind, Brainiac," I explained.

"Oh, I see," Zelda nodded.

"If you want revenge, we can help you get it," I assured her.

"Oh, definitely," She smirked.

"Alright!" Cyborg cheered.

"My plan worked," Star Sapphire noted.

"Lead the way back, Zelda the Great," I told her.

"Okay," She began. "Just give me a second."

She took out her wand and made what looked like a portal in front of all of us.

"Follow me!" She told us, and dashed into it.

All of us followed right behind her. Everything was black again, and my eyes were again transfixed on visuals. But instead of the theme song playing, I heard the narrator's voice.

"So," It began. "The heroes from the future go sent back to their time. But what became of the Batman and Robin we know and love? Tune in next time to find out-"

"Same Bat-time! Same Bat- Channel!" Robin and I cried in unison.

"Wait... how do you remember that?!" I asked him.

"Umm... I-I... Just heard it around, ya know... it was very popular and funny back then..." Robin told me.

"Right..." I nodded, not a hundred percent believing him.

My head suddenly hit the ground again. I glanced around to see that we all were back on the moon.

"Ow!" Robin sat up and rubbed the back of his head. "Zelda could've at least been nice and made sure we didn't hit the ground so hard...Ow..."
"Well, what do you know," Zelda murmured, sitting up herself. "It worked."
"Well, what are we waiting for?!" Cheetah scrambled to her feet-er-paws...

"Right," Riddler agreed. "Let's go take out Brainiac once and for all!"
Everyone slowly sat up and began running back towards Brainiac's lair.

"Wait!" I called after them. "We can't just go running in there without a plan!"
"Alright," They all sighed, turning and heading back towards me.

"Okay, anybody got any ideas?" Riddler asked.

"We could just go rushing in there without a plan like we were going to," Joker noted.

"Good, ideas," I added.

"What?!" Joker asked. "Do you have a better plan?"
"Yes, actually," I told him.

"Well, what is it?" Mister Freeze pressed.

"First, we'll need a diversion," I explained.

"Larfleeze, Artitrocious, and I can take care of that," Sinestro offered.

"Alright," I relented. "Then, all the rest of us will need to take Brainaic by surprise.

"Okay," Sinestro began. "We'll go in now. Just wait for this signal."
With that, Larfleeze, Artitrocious and Sinestro flew off. The rest of us peeked inside through the windows and waited Sinestro's signal.

"There it is!" I whispered after a few moments. "Everyone, inside!"
We snuck into Brainaic's base, and closed in behind him. For a moment, we all really thought we had him fooled.

"Really?!" Brainiac was laughing. "Did you really think you could fool me?!"

He turned around to face the rest of us.

"H-how did he know?!" Robin asked, terrified.

"You think I'm stupid?!" Brainiac asked.

"Actually, yes," Joker quickly put in before he could say another word.

"Ha, ha, very funny," Brainaic folded his arms. "Anyways, continuing on: Why do you guys think they call me Brainiac?! It's because I'm smart! I've seen all the tricks in the book."
"There's a book of tricks?" Catwoman asked. "I want in!"
"It's just a saying, you fool!" Brainiac yelled. "Anyways, so yes, it's basically impossible to fool me!"

"Well, that would have been nice to know before we tried this," Batman sighed.

"N-Now what?!" Robin asked. "Our plan failed."
"After him!" I cried, realizing Brainiac was attempting to escape. 

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