Part 12: Celebration

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We arrived to find that Chief O'hara was working with Commissioner Gordon and they had already set up a stage and a buffet line. Robin, who was at the back of the group, started to make a run for it, but Batman stopped him. Robin stared at Batman, shocked.

"Hey, look!" Chief O'hara noticed us. "They're here!"
"Oh, hey guys!" Commissioner Gordon smiled. "Could you all go backstage? I'd like to thank each and every one of you personally for saving Gotham city once again. I've got a medal for each and every one of you."
"Okay," I nodded. "Come on, guys!"
I took Robin's had and lead him backstage. Once we got to the top of the staircase, I let him go. He stared longingly at the buffet line, and his stomach growled.

"You'll be okay," I assured him, putting my had on his shoulder. "This shouldn't take that long."

I nudged him forward a little bit so the curtains blocked his view. He sighed. Chief O'hara and Commissioner Gordon stepped onto the stage on the side opposite of us, and walked to the center where the microphone was.

"Ahem," Commissioner Gordon cleared his throat into the mic. "Attention, all citizens of Gotham city, gather outside of city hall for a celebration. The Justice League has save Gotham city yet again."

I heard the sound of running feet, and people cheering. Robin suddenly looked nervous.

"You'll do fine," I assured him.

"How can you be so sure?" Robin asked me. "What if I- What if they forget about me again?"
"I'll make sure that doesn't happen," I told him.

"Now, to start the celebration," Commissioner Gordon spoke up again, glancing in our direction. "I'd like to thank everyone who helped save the city from destruction and give each of them a medal to commend their bravery. First up, we have Penguin!"
The crowd gasped in surprise.

"Don't worry," The commissioner assured them. "He and his friends won't hurt anyone anymore."
Penguin walked out onto the stage to receive his medal. I took this moment's break in between names to look for Richard Grayson in the crowd. He wouldn't miss this for the world. I sighed as I realized he wasn't there.

"You okay?" Robin asked me as Riddler was called out to the stage. "You looked like you were looking for someone."
"Oh, yeah," I nodded. "You may know him as Nightwing, but he was Robin a while before you were. He and I were very close friends, and you remind me of him a little."
"Oh, do I now?" Robin asked.

"Yeah," I told him as Mister Freeze got called out.

We sat back there chatting for the next fifty minutes as everyone's names got called. Eventually, only Robin and I remained.

"Well, it' can't be long now," I sighed.

"Yeah," Robin agreed. "Would have liked to have been called sooner, but that's okay, I guess..."
"And finally, we have Flash Freeze!" The commissioner called.

"Oh no he didn't," I muttered under my breath. "I'm getting tired of this."
Robin and I exchanged a glace. We both knew this wasn't true. I gasped and Robin stared at the commissioner, hurt and shocked. Then, the realization sunk in. This was why they hadn't called him earlier. They weren't planning to. Without thinking, I stormed onto the stage, fury blazing in my eyes. Robin, head in his hands, attempted to run out from behind the stage, but I created a wall of ice to block his escape. He had to slide to avoid hitting it, and ended up falling over on his side. He stared at me, a desperate look in his eyes. I didn't look at him, in fear that I'd start crying myself, but I knew I was doing the right thing.

"Ahem," I cleared my throat in somewhat of a harsh manner, and glared down at the members of the justice league. "So... you all believe that I am the last person, correct?"

"Uhh... yeah..." Cyborg nodded.

"Well you're wrong!" I snapped, and he flinched. "Someone's missing, and he's always been missing, even though several years and versions have passed... and I'll give you a few moments to figure out who he is..."
"Hmm...." It was Riddler that spoke up first. "Fla- no, he's over there, Jok- no, he's right there... Batm- no, he's in front of me... aw, I'm usually so good at solving riddles like this, but for once, I'm stumped..."

"Hmm... could it be Superm- Nope, he's still here..." Batman sighed.

"Hmm... maybe it's Star Sapphire?" Green Lantern guessed. "Or Saint Walker? No... they're both here..."
"Last guess," I warned them.

"Oh I know!" Penguin raised his hand. "It's Condiment King, right?"
"He didn't even-!" I cried out in shock. "Why does he even- what does he even do, anyways?"
"I shoot ketchup and mustard at people," he explained.

"You didn't even help us today," I pointed out. "How is that even-?"
"You're right," Condiment King stalked off. "I should just start a business making burgers. It would be way more successful than this! Later!"
"Can I ask: what just happened?" Riddler asked.

"You already did," I explained. "You were trapped in a box."
"How did you know about that?!" Catwoman asked me.

"It's on the list of the top ten craziest and most successful criminal plots in history," I told him. "Just under this guy that I can't say the name of."
"Hmm..." Riddler was deep in thought. "Well, that's embarrassing."

"Yes, yes, but enough of that," I continued. "All of you failed to guess who it was that's missing."
"Can we get one more guess?" Joker asked. "Please?"
"No," I told him. "Because I know you won't take it seriously."

"She does have a point, Mista J." Harley Quinn agreed with me.

"Alright, go on," Joker sighed. "You always ruin my fun..."

"Anyways," I kept talking. "I can't believe you all failed to guess who it was, because without this person, we'd all be dead! We all would have been trapped in Braniac's ship, sinking in the ocean. Robin, come on out here!"
Robin slowly got to his feet, scrambled out onto the stage, and hugged me.

"Thank you," He breathed.

I smiled and hugged him back.

"But Miss Freeze," Commissioner Gordon began. "That was the last medal."
"Oh..." Robin sighed. "That's okay. I didn't need one..."

"Hold on!" I stopped him from leaving yet again. "Watch this."
I formed another medal out of ice, and put it around my neck. I then proceeded to walk over to Robin and give him the medal that was initially supposed to be mine. The crowd cheered. Robin smiled and waved at everyone. His stomach growled again.

"Oh, right," I laughed. "It's almost 8. You must be starving."
"You betcha," Robin nodded.

"Let's go then," I got down off the stage and pulled him down with me.

"Definitely," He didn't hesitate to agree. 

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