Part 7: Just Like Old Times

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"Now, where could he be?" Robin wondered aloud.

"Hmm... so that's why you're called the Boy Wonder!" Joker laughed.

"Joker I hate you," I muttered.

"Why thank you!" He smiled.

"Not like that," I snapped.

"Oh..." Joker sighed. "Okay!"
"Anyways," I muttered. "To answer your question, Robin, he's obviously in space!"

"Umm... how are we all going to get there?" Robin asked. "There's not enough room in the Invisible Jet and the Bat Rocket and Batman took my space suit away."
"Give me another second..." I began, walking over to Batman again. "Ahem!"
"What?" He asked me.

"Robin's space suit, please!" I told him.

"Oh, that suit?" Batman asked. "I-I have it, I swear I do...Ah ha! Right here!"
He handed it to me.

I walked it over to Robin for him to put on.

"Alright!" I cried excitedly. "Let's go!"
We flew up into the sky and through outer space. It wasn't long before we noticed Brainac's ship... on the moon?

"He's right there!" Lex cried out before I could even say a word. "Let's do this!"
"Right," I agreed. "Strange how he didn't really try to remain hidden or anything..."

"Maybe he just thought we'd never be able to break free from his mind control," Lex Luthor shrugged.

"I don't know..." Indigo 1 murmured. "She is right. This could be a trap!"

"Maybe we should come up with a plan before we enter," I agreed.

"Nah!" Larfleeze shrugged it off. "Let's just get him already!"

"Alright..." I relented

We landed on the moon and allowed Larfleeze and the other evil lanterns to lead the charge into Brainiac's ship.

"Hold it right there, you intergalactic fiend!" Larfleeze, Sinestro and Artitrocious shouted as we entered.

"Oh," Brainac smirked, turning to face us. "You've snapped out of my mind control? But Sinestro, you work for me, don't you remember?! You all do! HAHAHA!!!"
"No we don't!" Robin retorted.

"Yeah!" I stood by his side. "You can't control us!"
"You may be able to resist my mind control, Boy Blunder," Brainiac began. "But you have one weakness; Fear. Sinestro, deal with them!"
"Yes, master Brainac," Sinestro turned to face Robin and me.

"Not again!" Robin moaned.

Sinestro spawned one of Robin's many fears out of his yellow construct.

"YIKES!!" Robin took off running.

I rushed after him using my super speed. Just as Sinestro's construct was about to catch up to him, I swooped in, grabbed his arm, pulled him swiftly out of the way, and froze the construct in place.

"Snap out of it! All of you!" I ordered.

"R-right..." Everyone muttered. "Sorry..."
"It's quite alright," I assured them. "You couldn't have done anything about it."
"Ugg!" Brainaic cried in frustration. "If I can't beat you, I'll just have to banish you!"

"Aah!" I shrieked.

A blinding white light surrounded me as I fell back and through where the floor was supposed to be with Robin right beside me. The light vanished and everything was black, but only for a few moments. Then the Batman 1966 theme song began to play, and the visuals that went with it showed up as well.

"Oh jeeze," I muttered. "WHY MEEEEE?!"

My gaze was transfixed on those visuals. It tried looking away, but I couldn't. As soon as they finished playing through and the theme song stopped sounding in my ears, I hit the ground hard.

"OW!" I cried, rubbing the back of my head.

I sat up to see Robin sitting across from me.

"Blech!" Robin cried in disgust as he looked down at what he was wearing. "I haven't worn this getup since 1966! Erm... I mean... heh... the- the character... not- not me specifically... heh... ummm...."

I stared at him suspiciously for a moment before looking down to see what I was wearing.

"Same here," I told him.

"Wait a minute," Robin looked around. "The batpoles... the layout of this place...HOLY BATPHONE, I think we've been sent back in time!"

"Still have those hilarious catchphrases I see," I was even more suspicious of him now.

"Yeah," Robin smiled. "Guess so. But where do you think Batman and the others are?"
"R-Robin?" I recognized Batman's voice.

I turned to the right to see Batman slowly getting up in the center of the Batcave. Robin scrambled to his feet and hurried to help Batman up the rest of the way.

"Where are we?" Batman asked him.

"More like when are we," Robin joked.

"Apparently," I added. "Brainiac has the ability to send people back in time." 

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