Part 8: A Speedy Reunion

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"Do you know where anyone else is?" Batman asked.

"No," I sighed. "We just woke up, like you. I know part of my name is Flash, but seriously, I'm not that fast."

"Well, what are we waiting for then?" Batman pressed. "We should go look for them so we can stop Brainiac! To the Batmobile! Umm..."- He looked around frantically- "To the Batbike then? No... WHERE IS IT?!" To the Batcopter? No... It's not here either!"

"Either they were stolen, or they're simply not here," I concluded. "Looks like we'll have to search for the others on foot,"

"That could take forever!" Robin groaned.

"That's probably what Brainiac wants," I pointed out. "But we won't let him win!"

Batman, Robin, and I headed for the door. When I was just a few feet away from it, I heard someone knocking on it. I held up my hand as a signal for Batman and Robin to stop and listen.

"Hmm... I recognized Green Lantern's voice. "No answer. That's odd... of all places, I thought Batman, Robin, and Flash Freeze would be here."

"Are you sure this is the right place?" I heard Cyborg ask.

"Yeah," Flash assured him. "This is the Batcave...I think..."
"You'd be correct," I told him pressing the button and opening the garage like door.

No one was there.

"Huh?" I wondered aloud. "Where did they all go?!"

"See?!" Flash asked confidently sliding down from above, his hands on his hips. "I told you Cyborg!"

"Oh, goodness me!" I gasped, coming to stand beside Flash and looking up to see everyone clinging to the door disguised as part of the hill for dear life. "I'm terribly sorry!"

"It's fine," They assured me, sliding down safely.

"Have you guys seen any of the villains?" I asked them as they came to stand beside Batman and Robin.

"No," Flash admitted.

"That's not good," I muttered. "Come on guys! To the city! I hope Chief Ohara hasn't gotten to them, for once."

"If he has, we'll just explain to him that they're with us for now," Robin assured me. "And that we're teaming up against a bigger threat. "

"Right," I agreed. "it'll be faster this way! Come on!"
I formed a path of ice for us to skate on. I skated quickly and determinedly into the city, with Flash right beside me.


As we neared the city, Penguin confirmed my worst fear.

"Unhand me you fiend!" His voice echoed off the walls of the buildings as we neared him. "I work for the good guys now!"
"Tell it to the judge," Chief O'hara muttered, not believing him.

"Stop!" I rushed in and knocked Chief O'hara over, but instantly helped him back up. "What he says is true. Same for Riddler and Mister Freeze, if you come across them."

"Which we have," Chief O'hara told me.

"Have them be brought here," I ordered him, then, turning to the justice Leauge, I added, "Then, we shall continue to search for the others."
"Where could they be?" Robin asked me.

"I don't know," I admitted. "But Zelda the Great is our main target. She may be able to help us get back to the present."

"I thought magic shows were just a bunch of baloney!" Penguin protested.

"Don't let her catch you saying that," I muttered. "Now, if we can find her, she may be willing to help us."

"Not as long as she's under Braniac's control," Robin noted. "How are we going to snap her out of it?"

"Hmmm..." I thought. "I dunno, Robin."
"Maybe we could scare her out of it!" Sinestro flew up beside me.

"Or we could bribe her with shiny!" Larfleeze added.

"Maybe we don't have to do any of those things," Star Sapphire began. "Maybe the power of Zelda's love for Bataman- er- Bruce Wayne is stronger than Brainacs mind control."
"Hey, you guys are okay!" I cried in surprise.

"Yeah, we're fine,' Star Sapphire told me.

"We were just planning how to snap Zelda the Great out of Brainiac's mind control," I explained.

"We heard," Star Sapphire nodded.

"Well, I think your idea is a good one," I told her. "The power of love is a force to be reckoned with, so it's worth a shot."
"Where are we going to find her?" Cyborg asked me.

"Excuse me, but I do believe I heard that Zelda is having a show at the theater," Chief Ohera interrupted.

"Wait wait wait," I began. "You're just going to let a renown criminal have a show in the theatre downtown?"

The chief stared at me like I had lost my mind.

"Oh, wait... she hasn't been found out yet... oops! Forget I said anything! BYEEE!"
"Should we- Larfleeze, Artitrociuos and I- go look for the others?" Sinestro asked.

"Yes, go ahead," I told him. "Bring whoever you find to us at the theater."
"We're here, Chief," I heard a police officer say.

I spun around to see tow officers, with Mister Freeze and the Riddler in tow.

"Ugg! I can't believe you two used to look like that!" I cried in disgust. "That aside, we're going to the theater to get Zelda the Great. We think we know how to snap her out of Brainiac's mind control. Then, she night be able to help us get back to the present time."

"Don't you mean back to the FUTURE?!" Joker asked.
"Joker, I will end you," I muttered angrily.

"Alright, alright!" He relented. "It was just a joke! Yeesh!"

"You guys better hurry," Chief O'hara told us. "Her show starts in a few minutes."
"Right," I nodded. "Let's get going." 

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