Part 11: Is it really over?

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"What?!" Larfleeze asked. "You've gotta be joking."
"Actaully," Joker admitted. "I'm not, for once."
"And all of you agree?" Artitrocious pressed.

"Yep," Everyone nodded.

"Not for long!" Larfleeze cackled.

Suddenly, everyone but Robin and me were under their control.

"I didn't know they could mind control people too!" I exclaimed

"Neither did I," Robin agreed. "Any ideas as to how we can snap them out of it?"

"perhaps the weakness is the same as Brainaics," I pointed out.

"It's worth a shot," Robin nodded.

"Alright," I began. "Let's do it!"

"Guys!" Robin called. "Snap out of it! Come on, we're friends, remember?"
Everyone kept trying to attack us.

"Any other ideas?" Robin asked me.

"Not much..." I admitted. "Other than... maybe..."
"What?!" Robin queried. "What is it?"

"Look!" I exclaimed. "They're bound together by chains of Larfleeze and Artitroucius' construct! If we could maybe break those, then maybe they'll snap out of it!"
"On it!" Robin threw a batarang at one of the chains.

"Umm,,, I don't think that-" I started to say. "Well, wadda ya know, it worked. Huh. Okay! I guess..."

"Uhh, one problem," Robin told me. "That was my only batarang."
"Don't worry," I assured him. "I got this."
I formed a sharp icicle in my hand and threw it . It went around like a boomerang and shattered all the chains.

"Ugg..." Flash sat up, rubbing his head. "What just happened?"
"Apparently, these guys can mind control you, too," I explained.

"No!" Larfleeze cried. " Ah, forget it. You haven't seen the last of us, Flash Freeze! None of you have..."
"Should we be worried about that?" Robin asked.

"No," I assured him ."We've got the whole Justice Leauge, and crew of villains behind us. We'll be alright."
"But they can be mind controlled again," Robin pointed out.

"And we can break it again, easy," I promised him.

"She's right," Batman nodded.

"Oh!" I gasped, looking at the time. "It's getting late, we should head back to our base."
"Where exactly is you base?" Mad Hatter asked.

"This way!" Robin cried. "Follow us!"
"You guys go," I told them. "I'll catch up."

"Wait," The commissioner stopped us. "I'd like to thank you all for saving Gotham City yet again. Meet me at the town square in about an hour for a celebration in your honor."
"Alright Commissioner," I nodded, and turning to everyone else I continued, "I'll be right behind you."

"Okay," Robin nodded, and everyone took off in the direction of our base.

I however, headed the opposite direction, in down an alleyway between two tall buildings. This was Nightwing's hangout place. If he was anywhere in Gotham city, it would be here. But... as I looked around, I noticed all of his stuff... was gone...

"H-huh?!" I wondered aloud. "How- where- where did he go?! Nightwing?!"

No answer. He wasn't here. He was gone. He had left, and he didn't even say goodbye. I sighed and headed off to go catch up with everyone else.

"Oh hey!" Robin cried as I neared him "It's Flash Freeze!"
"Told you I'd be right behind you," I smiled.

Batman typed in the passcode and we entered our secret base.

"Here we are," I explained. "Would you like me to show you around?"
"Sure!" Joker smiled.
"Alright," I began, leading them over to the upper left corner of the place. "Here is the kitchen."
"So.. who cooks for you guys?" Two Face asked.

"Mostly Wonder Woman and me," I explained. "But we allow one of the guys to ry something out. Doesn't always end well, but at least they try..."
Everyone giggled.

"So, continuing on," I quickly glanced at the clock to see how much time we had left, and lead everyone to the back-right corner of the room. "this is the research room. We go in here to look up information on anything we need. And-" We came across another door smack dab in the middle of the back wall- here are the restrooms. And that concludes out tour! Everything else is pretty much self-explanatory."

"So, what are we going to do while we wait for it to be time to go and see the commissioner?" Robin asked

"Well," I began, deep in thought. "Town hall is about 45 minutes away and it's about 6:15 right now, so we don't have, much time. Why?"

"Oh," Robin sighed. "I just wanted a little something to eat, that's all."
"I'm sure they'll have something down there, Robin," I assured him. "Now, let's go, guys! We don't want to be late!"

"Right," Everyone nodded, and we headed down to the town hall.  

Lego DC: Flash FreezeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant