Part 5: Lex go on an Adventure!

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We got into the Jokermobile and he drove us all over to Lexcorp Industries in Metropolis.

"Woah!" Robin exclaimed as we pulled up. "Looks like Lex has made some renovations since we've last seen the place!"
"Yes," Joker confirmed Robin's statement. "He's added a new and improved security system, and he's added a couple more rooms to the place."

"I can see that," I acknowledged them both, getting out of the Jokermobile. "Just get us in, Joker."
"Alright," Joker lead us up to the front door.

There was a speaker on the wall next to it. Joker pressed a button and I heard Lex's voice say; "Please state your name and business."

"Lex, baby!" Joker began. "It's me, the JOKER!"
"Uhh... why are you here?" Lex asked.

"I've got some new prisoners for you!" Joker explained. "And I thought you might need help with Superman."
"Very well," Lex relented. "Come on in."
"Yes!" I whispered excitedly. "We're in!"
"How exactly were we planning on snapping Lex out of Brainiac's mind control?" Batman asked me.
"Same way we got everyone else," I explained. "Reminding him of what Brainiac tried to do last time."
"Okay," Everyone nodded.

"We're here Lexy!" Joker cried.

I hadn't realized how far we'd come until now.

"Good," Lex smiled. "I'll take these two to master Brainiac immediately!"

"You work for him now?" Robin pretended he didn't know.

"Yes," Lex nodded. "But why does that concern you?"
"Don't you remember what he tried to do to this world?" I asked him.

"All he's done is help us!" Lex argued

"Man," I muttered. "He thought of everything, didn't he?"

"What now?" Robin asked.

"We press onward with our idea," I whispered in his ear, then, turning to Lex, I continued. "He's lied to you, mind controlled you. He tried to shrink down our world, and take it for his own sick and twisted hobby of collecting worlds!"
Lex, Black Canary, and Poison Ivy stood there for a moment and said nothing.

"Yes, yes..." Black Canary remembered. "I remember that day..."
"Truly terrifying..." Poison Ivy added. "Being so small..."
"I remember that as well..." Lex nodded. "And I also remember why I'm working with you two, even thoug you fight Batman and I fight Superman!"

"Why that little-!" They all shouted in unison.

"You want revenge," I smiled. "I know you do. We, the Justice League, can help you with that."
"What Flash Freeze is saying is true," Joker told Lex. "But the Justice League cannot help unless it is complete."
"Let me guess, you want me to free Superman?" Lex asked. "Alright, we've got a deal. I'll be right back, okay?"
"We'll be waiting," I assured him.


Minutes later Lex walked back into the room with Superman.

"Alright," He began, quickly heading for the door. "Let's do this!"
"Woah, woah, woah!" I stopped him from leaping into action. "First we need to find Flash, Aquaman and Wonder Woman."
"Where do you think Captain Cold and Reverse Flash could be?" Robin asked.

"Hmm..." I thought aloud. "Someplace cold. Perhaps... Maybe... Umm..."
"Excuse me," Sinestro spoke up. "Maybe I could help?"
"Go on," I urged him.

"I know for a fact that everyone else is in the zoo," He told me.

"Then they're most likely in the Artic Exhibit," I concluded. "Let's go, guys!"
"Okay!" Robin nodded.

"Come on," I began. "It would be faster if we travelled by ice skating."
I formed a pathway of ice and made ice skates appear for everyone. Everyone that couldn't fly, that is.

"I swear," Robin laughed. "You're obsessed with ice skating."
"Well, of course," I smiled back. "I am the mysterious Flash Freeze, after all."
"Yeah," Robin nodded. "I guess you are."
"Race you there!" I cried playfully.

"You're on!" Robin called back.

We raced off to the zoo. 

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