Part 13: Secret Identity Revealed

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The crowd surrounded him as we tried to head for the buffet line. They were all insisting on getting his autograph.

"I'm sorry," I apologized, feeling this was my fault. "I didn't think this would happen..."

"Are you kidding?" Robin asked, smiling. "This is just like 1966! Er- that guy... yeah... BUT TEN TIMES BETTER!"

I stared at him skeptically. I felt he was hiding something.

"Are you hiding something from me, Robin?" I asked him.

"W-what?! Who, me? Hiding something?" Robin sounded very nervous. "That's crazy! I'm not hiding anything!"
"You're not very good at this," I pointed out.

"Uhh...hey," Flash showed up. "Could you let my friends through? They'd like to come sit with us."
The crowd parted and let all three of us file through.

"Thanks Flash," Robin thanked him.

"You've got out of answering my question, for now," I muttered. "But I'll ask again later, for sure."
"Robin!" Cyborg smiled as we approached. "Good job up there!"
"You too," Robin complimented him back.

"We're all so proud of you for earning that medal!" Star Sapphire added.

"Well, I couldn't have done it without Flash Freeze," Robin smiled at me.

"Well, I think it's about time a certain sidekick got the recognition he deserved," I smiled back.

"Yeah," Green Lantern agreed. "You did deserve it."
"Thanks guys," Robin thanked everyone.

"You're welcome," We all told him.

We spent the rest of our time at the table eating in silence. Soon afterwards, people started dancing. Not long after that, a couples' dance was announced.

"Should I?" I asked myself. "Cuz who knows when this one'll leave. But, maybe since we made him feel more welcome... Ah, let's do it!"

I grabbed Robin's arm and took him out onto the dance floor.

"Well," Robin blushed. "I- I uh.. I didn't know you felt that way about me..."

"Well," I smiled again. "I do."

"I always thought you and Flash... Cuz of the speed thing..." Robin muttered.

"Well, you thought wrong my friend," I told him.

"For once I'm glad I did," Robin laughed.

"I am too," I agreed. "But seriously what are you hiding from me?"

"N-nothing!" Robin assured me. "Honestly, I don't know why you think I'm hiding something from you."

"The fact that you're making a lot of references to my old pal, Dick Grayson," I pointed out. "The first Robin."

"W-what do you mean?" Robin asked me.

"All the 1966 stuff, you didn't think I'd catch on?" I asked.

"I-I've just seen him around," Robin explianed. "And I mean, who hasn't heard of the 1966 live action series? It is kind of a crazy one."

"Wait," Lex went out of his way to disprove him. "You had a 1966 show?"

"Well, almost everyone," Robin sighed.

"You admired him too?" I asked.

"Of course!" Robin told me. "He's the best! That's why I was inspired to try and become the next Robin!"

"Fair enough," I nodded.

The party started to die down around 10 pm, and at about 10:30, the commissoner, the chief, and us heroes and villains were the only people that remained.

"Well, the commissioner began, walking over to us. "I think that's just about it."

"Yeah," I nodded. "We were thinking of heading back to our secret underground base anyways."
"Alright," Commissioner Gordon nodded. "See you soon, maybe?"

"Depends on when the next crime is committed," I pointed out. "But maybe."
With that, all of us took off towards our base.

"Alright everyone," I smiled as we entered. "Let's get some rest, and we'll deal with Larfleeze and Artitrocious tomorrow."

"Hold on," Robin's phone began ringing. "I've--Oh, Alfred! Did you see me out there?!"

"Yes," I heard Alfred, Bruce Wayne(AKA Batman)'s butler respond. "Simply amazing, Master Dick, sir."
"Yeah, but I couldn't have done it without Flash Freeze," Robin told him. "Anyways, Goodnight Alfred."
"Goodnight," The butler hung up.

"Richard..." It took a minute to sink in. "Richard GRAYSON?!"
"N-no!" Robin stammered. "N-Not at all! M-My last name is actually Tomphson. Y-You must be confusing me with someone else..."
"I'm pretty sure I'm not..." I murmured.

"W-well, you're not always right, now are you?" Robin countered.

"But I'm not always wrong either," I pointed out. "And this would explain the disappearance of Nightwing, so I do believe that I am correct."
"N-no..." Robin was still trying to deny it.

"And if that's the case," I continued, forming a sharp icicle in my hand. "What made you come back?"

"I-I..I mean uh..." Robin tried to explain.

"So much for giving him privacy," Joker muttered from behind me.

"Stay out of this!" I told him. "Now, as you were saying, Robin?"

"What?!" The Joker asked. "You can't take a joke?"

"You've made quite enough of those," I pointed out.

"That's why they call me the Joker," Joker noted.

"Ah, yes, I suppose that's true, but then doesn't that make your name a pun?" I asked.

"I guess it does!" Joker laughed. "I never noticed that before!"

"Yes, Yes," I nodded. "Now, on with our conversation, Robin. Answer the question."

"I-I umm,,, T-the- I-" Robin started to explain. "Th-the old guy quit, s-so the job was open and- and I- I kinda missed uhhh... working with Batman and... being friends with Flash and all the other members of the justice league..."

"What's with that face?" I pressed. "I'm glad you're back. Now come on guys, let's get some sleep. We've got a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Right," Everyone else agreed. 

Lego DC: Flash FreezeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora