Part 10: Smooth Landing

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"What now?!" Cyborg pressed, realizing Brainiac was trying to get into his ship.

"Faster!" I ordered.

We all go in Brainiac's ship just as he was closing the doors. We were all locked in.

"Rats," Brainiac muttered when he saw us.

"Don't you mean bats?!" Robin asked jokingly.

"Batman he's turning into the Joker, what do we do?!" I asked, taking the joke even further.

"I don't know," He whispered back. "Maybe he'll be the new Jason Todd or something?"
"Why mention that name?" I pressed out. "Makes me wonder, who do you have in that suit now? It's not Drake still, is it? He seems to know a lot about the past. Maybe he's some sort of superfan?"
"No, it's the first option," Batman explained.

"Alright," I was extremely skeptical of everything now. "Anyways, we're wasting time! C'mon, guys! Let's take out Brainiac!"
"Wait!" Cyborg stopped me. "We can't! He's the only one that knows how to pilot this ship! Without him, we'll crash!"
"Well, who, out of all of you, tried to pilot the thing last time?" I asked. "Raise your hand if you did. That way we can narrow it down pretty easily, wasting little time."

Almost everybody raised their hands, except for Riddler, Penguin, Mister Freeze, Robin, and of course, me.

"One of us has to know how to pilot this thing!" I pointed out.

"We can only hope," Saint walker pointed out.

"You never know until you try," I told him.

"She does have a point," Robin smiled at me. "This might be our only chance to take out Brainaic!"
"Okay..." Everyone relented. "Let's do this!"
"But, how will we know who can fly this thing?" Flash pressed.

"Will we just do trial and error until we figure it out?" Batman added.

"Great idea!" I complimented him.

"But what if no one knows how to pilot this thing?!" Cyborg asked anxiously.

"I'm sure one of us will," I assured him. "Flash, Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, pin him down! Get him out of that chair!"
Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman and Flash quickly did as I told them to, seeing as we had no other option.

"I'll try first," Riddler offered as we began plummeting.

Nothing changed,

"I'll go next!" Mister Freeze took Brainiac's seat.

We were still falling.

"Let me try!" Penguin shoved Mister Freeze away from the controls and sat down.

Still, nothing changed.

"This isn't working!" Cyborg cried.
"I noticed!" I called back. "Robin, why don't you try next?"
"W-well... I...I dunno... I..." Robin began. "I- I'm not very smart and... Brainiac's a genius... I probably wouldn't know how to pilot this thing..."

"Robin," I stared at him. "Come on. I don't like it when people I know sell themselves short. I already told you that. Just try it."
"Well, uhh... Ladies first?" Robin was just coming up with excuses at this point.

I sighed. But I guess I couldn't refuse. We getting very close to crashing at this point. If Robin or I couldn't pilot this thing, we were doomed. I got up to the controls and sat down. This was nothing like any ship I had seen before.

"I-I can't figure it out," I admitted. "Robin, you're our only hope."
"Let's hope this works," Saint walker sighed.

"That's all we can do," I agreed.

I got up out of the chair and let Robin see.

"Are you sure about this?" Robin asked me.

"You're the only one of us who hasn't tried it yet," I reminded him. "If this fails, we're done for..."
"Well, it was nice being part of the justice league while it lasted," Penguin sighed.

"Hey!" I shouted over to him. "I don't want Robin to sell himself short, so don't you do it either, okay?"
"R-right," Penguin nodded. "Sorry."
We suddenly stopped falling.

"Well, what do you know," I smiled. "It worked."
Robin piloted us to Arkam Asylum, where we dropped of Brainiac once again.

"This time," I told the guards. "Keep him behind bars."
"Will do, Miss Freeze," They assured me.

"So, does this mean we can leave now?" Cheetah asked.

"Yeah, I guess so," I told her.

"Let's do this again some time," Joker began. "I mean, it's not as fun as committing crime, but... it's a nice change of pace."

"Alright then," I sighed. "I guess things can go back to the way they were before..."
"Wait,' Two Face stopped me. "I-I uhh... how do I say this? Umm... I uhh... I had a lot of fun today. I- I wanna do things like that a lot more often. I used to, too. I- I dunno if you remember me... I- I was Harvey Dent. I- I was wondering maybe if you guys would... y'know, take me back?"

"Should we trust him?" Batman asked me.

I stared at Harvey. He was smiling, and not a wicked smile. I could tell he meant this. I smiled back.

"You know what," Joker started to say before I could reply. "Forget what I said earlier. I want to do this all the time, too."
"Yeah," Harley Quinn agreed.

"So, what do you say, you guys?" Lex asked.

"Can we all help you fight crime?" Sinestro added

Every villain nodded unanimously.

"Alright then," I began. "Welcome to the Justice League, all of you."  

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