Part 3: The Rescue Plan

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I looked where he was pointing and found a hole in the ceiling with light streaming down from it...

"Good going, Mister Freeze!" I congratulated him "Let's go!"
"Hahahahahahaha!" Zelda burst out laughing. "You guys crack me up! Did you really think I'd let you escape this easily?! Well, you're DEAD wrong!"

Big fans with razor sharp blades came out of the walls and were slowly but surely headed in our direction.

"Oh, I get it..." I muttered. "That's supposed to be a pun cuz you don't think we're gonna make it out of here. Well, you're about to be proven wrong!"

"W-what now?" Robin asked me.

I glanced around frantically for a way to escape, then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

"There's a fuse box over there!" I shouted, pointing. "Give me one clean shot at it with me 'water' powers!"

"Water?" Robin asked. "I thought you controlled ice."

"The heat," I reminded him. "Remember?"
"Oh yeah!" Robin remembered. "One clean shot comin' right up!"

Robin threw a batarang at the tiny space in between two of the fans. I hadn't noticed how close they were getting until now. Sadly, the batarang was unable to stay put. It popped right back out and hit Robin in the head.

"I got it!" Mister Freeze shouted.

He threw his freeze/ heat ray into the small space.

"Well," I walked over to Robin and helped him up. "You tried, and that's the least you could do..."
I turned to take the opening Mister Freeze had made. I aimed for the fuse box and took a shot at it with my water powers. The fans stopped spinning and moving towards us, and all the power was shut off. I was now able to make a set of ice stairs leading up to the way out.

"Come on, let's go!" I called down, running up the stairs.

We ran up, only to be greeted by Sinestro yet again.

"You've escaped master Zelda?" He asked.

"Master?!" I asked. "Sinestro! Snap out of it! Since when have you worked for anyone?!"

"Flash Freeze is right!" Robin came to stand beside me. "You're the most independent villain I know! What would make you stoop so low as to work for Zelda?"

"You're right..." Sinestro muttered. "I wouldn't."
"Who did this to you?" I asked him.

"Brainiac!" Sinestro hissed in fury.
"Brainiac?" Robin asked. "I thought that we all locked him up by working together! How'd he escape?"
Sinestro shrugged.

"I don't know," He began angrily. "And nor do I care! I just want him back in there so he can never escape!"

"I can tell you want revenge," I began, smiling. "We can help you, if you tell us where Green Lantern is."

"Isn't it wrong to seek revenge?" Robin asked me in a whisper.

"Trust me on this," I told him. "It's the only way we'll get the villains to work for us."

"O-okay..." Robin nodded somewhat confidently.

"Are you guys going to follow me or what?!" Sinestro asked.

He was already some distance ahead of us, hovering above the ground as he led the way to where he was holding Green Lantern.

"Right," I began sheepishly. "Sorry... But um.. One last question, if you will."
"Yes?" Sinestro asked me.

"Who all else is being mind controlled by Brainiac?" I asked him.

"Every other villain and former villain everywhere," Sinestro told me. "Except for these three."
He pointed to Riddler, Mister Freeze, and Penguin.

"Thank you," I thanked him. "Now continue leading the way!"
"Alright," Sinestro nodded. "This way!"
Sinestro lead us to a secret looking area, where Green Lantern was being held up by chains of his yellow construct. He instantly made them vanish, and Green Lantern fell to the ground.

"Sinestro!" He looked up, surprised. "You set me free! W-why did you do that?"
"Brainiac mind controlled me," Sinestro explained.
"And let me guess, you want revenge?" Green Lantern finished.

"Yes," Sinestro told him. "And Flash Freeze told me maybe you could help me and the other villains do so?"

"Me and the rest of the Justice League!" Green Lantern told him.

"Speaking of the rest of the Justice League," I began. "I'd like some info on their whereabouts. Do you know who's holding Batman?"
"Joker, Harley Quinn, Man-Bat, Killer Croc, and Two-Face," Sinestro told me.

"How about Superman?" I asked.

"Lex Luthor," Sinestro responded.


"Captain Cold and Reverse Flash."
"Black Manta."
"Wonder Woman?"

"I'm pretty sure he's being held with Batman," Sinestro finished.

"What about the other lanterns?" I pressed.

"Green Lantern and I will summon them," Sinestro assured me.

"Are you sure Larfleeze and Artitrocious will want to help?" I questioned.

"If there's one thing us lanterns have in common, it's that we hate Brainiac," Sinestro told me.

"Thanks Sinestro," I thanked him yet again. "Without your help, we would have never known where to look for the other heroes, and never would have stood a chance against Brainiac."
"Wait..." Robin thought aloud. "He only told us who they were with..."
"Yes," I agreed. "He did. But with that information we can deduce where they might be hiding."
"Go on," Robin urged.

"Killer Croc likes sewers," I began. "Catwoman likes to stay dry and cause mischief, Joker likes circuses and clowns, and Two-Face and Man-Bat don't really have any preferences that I know of. The only place that fits all of those standards is..."
"The fair downtown!" Robin exclaimed.

"Right," I nodded. "Let's go save Batman and Cyborg!"
"Those are two names you never thought you'd hear in the same sentence," Riddler pointed out.

"Yes," I agreed. "But these guys are being mind controlled here, so it makes sense."

We raced off to the fair grounds. 

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