Part 2: Zelda's Dungeon

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"I don't know," I replied. "Let's look."

We walked outside, only to be stopped by Sinestro within seconds.

"Where do you think you're going?!" He asked us.

"Where is Green Lantern?" I retorted confidently.

"Like I'd tell you.." Sinestro snapped. "Now, Master Zelda will be very pleased to see that I have found the two of you... but she'll be even more pleased if I catch you..."

"Don't say that name! We could get copyri-" I stopped short. "Ohhhhh, you're talking about that Zelda... alright you're fine. I thought we were gonna- but, now I see we have an even bigger problem on our hands..."

He spawned a ton of yellow lanterns with his ring. We were outnumbered by about ten to one. His constructs were too powerful for us. We couldn't win! The last thing I heard was Robin crying out in pain, then all went black.

I awoke in a dark room. Spotlights were the only things that lit it up. There were five spotlights in total. One was above me another was above Robin and the other three were dangling above- I gasped as I recognized them.

"Riddler? Mister Freeze? Penguin?" I asked.

They were our three newest members, spying on the bad guys for us, since the bad guys didn't know they had turned good yet. This could only mean one thing...

"You were found out, weren't you?" I asked them.

"Yeah..." Penguin told me. "We were coming to warn you about Sinestro's plan."

"It went something like this," Riddler began. "We were running through the streets hoping to get to you before Sinestro did, and that's when Penguin saw you. But, as he got closer he realized you two were already unconscious, and he's like 'I think we're too late!' and I'm like, 'YOU THINK?!'. Then, Sinestro captured us, knocked us out, and we woke up here. Where is here anyways? And, what are we tied up to- OH NO!"

"What?!" I turned and asked Riddler, my eyes wide with fear.

"D-don't you recognize what Robin's tied up to?" Riddler asked me. "You're tied up to one too! We all are!"

"No way!" I cried, looking around. "The spinning death trap! Wait a second... what exactly does it do to you?"

"Makes all the blood rush to your head," Riddler explained. "Yeah, not exactly good for you..."

"Wait..." I began, remembering something. "Didn't you use these on Batman and Robin before?"

"Yeah... I did..." Riddler nodded. "Wait! That means that the person that tied us here stole my idea! Um... who are you now?"

"You can call me Zelda the Great," A voice told us.

"That magician!" Robin exclaimed. "But- But didn't you like Batman?"

"I did..." Zelda began. "Until..."

"Until what?" I persisted.

"That's none of your business!" Zelda snapped.

"Something's wrong with her," I whispered to the Riddler. "We've got to escape and find out what..."

"So, about the whole stealing your idea Riddler," Zelda began "I was going to ask you, but then I found out you turned good. So I didn't because I figured you'd tell the good guys what to expect. Anyways, you and your friends will pay for your treachery!"

The wheel I was tied to began spinning rapidly.

"There has to be a way out!" I cried. "Riddler, got any ideas?!"

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