Part 4: The Bats and the Bots

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When we arrived, I found that things would be harder than I initially thought. There were many hiding places for these guys. There was a petting zoo where the animal based villains could hide, a circus tent for Joker and Harley Quinn to hide in, and a huge crowd for Two-Face to blend in with.

"But what's the point of making a group if you're not going to stick together?" I wondered aloud. "Unless they've all got a common place that they can see and watch from where they are..."

"Well, let's go see if we can find where they are first," Sinestro suggested.

"The petting zoo is a good place to look for the animal based villains," I explained.

"I agree," Robin agreed with me.

"Well, it's a good of a place as any to start," Green Lantern nodded.

We all headed over to the petting zoo to see if we could find the animal based villains in there. We all looked around for a few moments, and then I heard a whisper:

"Okay, so we'll sneak out the door, warn the Joker, and surpise attack!"

"Huh?" I spun around to face the exit and saw Catwoman, and Man-Bat trying to sneak away.

"Well," Catwoman sighed. "So much for that... RUN!!"
"After them!" I cried.
"What do you think gave us away?" I heard Catwoman ask.

"Beats me," Man-Bat shrugged. "We were being quiet as a mouse."

"Yeah," Catwoman agreed. "JOKER!!"
She ran into the circus tent, with us not far behind.

"What is it, Catwoman?" I heard Joker ask.

"Flash Freeze and Robin are here!" Catwoman told him. "They're being accompanied by Sinestro and Green Lantern!"
"That TRAITOR!!" Joker gasped. "Let's get these two to Master Brainiac right away!"
"We've got to stop them!" Robin pointed out.

"Do the same thing you did with Sinestro." I told him.
"Okay," Robin nodded. "Come on, you guys! You all hate Brainiac, remember?"
"We do?" The villains sounded confused, but then they remembered. "We do!"
"Why that little-!" Killer Croc was enraged.

"Listen," I began. "I know you want revenge, and we can help you achieve that."

"Yeah, we'll put Brainiac behind bars again!" Robin added.

All five villains holding Batman and Cyborg smiled. Two Face walked over to Batman and Cyborg and flipped a coin. I feared the worst, but I guess I needn't have.

"Batman," Two Face looked him in the eye. "Am I going to set you and your friend free so you can help us?"-he caught the coin, and it landed on heads-"Yes, yes I am."

He untied them both.

"Thanks, Two Face!" Cyborg ran up and hugged him.

"It was nothing personal, Cyborg," Two Face muttered. "So don't get all mushy towards me, okay?"

"Alright..." Cyborg pulled away.

"Now, who are you?" Two Face asked, pointing at me.

"I'm Flash Freeze," I told him.

"Like Flash?" He pressed.
"Yes, but with ice powers," I told him. "Don't get us confused. Do people do that? Is this gonna be like that dress thing where people pull up an image thinking we're the same person and one guy goes; 'I see blue and pink!' and the other goes; 'no, I see red and yellow!'?"

"Now, Joker," I turned to him. "Can you get us into Lexcorp Industries?"

"Yeah," Joker assured me. "Lex and I have been partners in crime ever since he came down from Metropolis, so I could probably get in. Why?"
"Lex has Superman," I explained. "And you'd need to sneak all of us in."
"Okay," Joker nodded. "But to get you in you'd have to act like my prisoners."
"We can do that," I told him. "Right guys?"
"Right," All the heroes nodded.

"Alright then," Joker smiled. "What are we waiting for?! LEX go!"
"Oh boy..." I sighed.

"Tell me about it," Batman muttered. "Let's just get this done and over with."
We got into the Jokermobile and he drove us all over to Lexcorp Industries in Metropolis. 

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