Part 14: Joke's on You Guys

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"Wait a second..." I remembered something.

"What?" Everyone asked, and all heads turned to face me.

"How on earth did Brainiac escape prison to begin with?" I asked.

"I don't know," Joker spoke up, "but it definitely wasn't me. Maybe it was this guy! Or this guy!"
He just frantically pointed at all his comrades, trying to be disarming.

"Well," Batman spoke over him. "Who were his inmates?"

"I'm not a hundred percent sure," I admitted. "But I'm pretty sure it was Joker and Lex. I should call just to be sure..."
"I don't know if anyone is still at the asylum at this late of an hour..." Cyborg told me.

"Well, it's worth a shot," I pointed out.

"Okay," He nodded.

I pulled out my phone and called the asylum.

"Hello?" I asked as soon as someone picked up.

"Flash Freeze?" I recognized the commissioners voice. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, yes," I assured him. "Everything's fine. I just wanted to check something."
"What is it you wanted to check?" The commissioner asked.

"I want you to check the prison records and tell me who was in the cell with Brainaic when he escaped prison," I explained.

"Alright," The commissioner began. "Just give me a moment, I'll be right back."
I heard him get up and leave and look through some file folders and then pull out a paper.

"Aha!" He cried out, then headed back to the phone. "Here we are! It was Joker and Lex Luthor. One of them set him free."
"Okay," I began. "Thanks, comissioner."
"You're welcome," He hung up.

"Joker, Lex," I spun around. "Which one of you set Brainiac free?!"

"He did it!" Joker pointed at Lex.

"What?!" Lex was outraged. "Everybody knows it was you!"
"If everyone knew it was me, then why would Flash Freeze be asking?" Joker asked.

"Well, enough people know," Lex retorted, folding his arms. "Right guys?"
"Umm..." Riddler began.

"Well..." Catwoman added.

"Come on guys, back me up here!" Lex ordered them.

"I dunno 'bout you guys," Harley Quinn began. "But I agree with Mista J!"

"Yeah!" Joker smiled. "See, Lex, not everyone knows!"
"Well, I know!" Lex shouted. "I was there! Isn't that proof enough?!"
"I'm afraid not," I sighed. "But I could always call the commissioner back and get the security footage."
"Go ahead," Lex told me.

"Y-yeah..." The Joker agreed.

"Okay then," I hit the redial button on my phone.

"Flash Freeze!" It was the chief who answered this time. "What's going on?"

"I need the you to send me the security footage of the day Brainiac was captured, and subsequently freed only minutes later."
"Why do you need that?" He asked.

"Because the person who set him free won't fess up," I explained.

"Alright," The chief nodded. "I'll send it to you."
"Thanks," I thanked him. "I don't think I'll need anything else after that though. Thanks again!"
"Anything for a fellow crime fighter," The chief hung up.

Seconds later, I got an email containing the security footage.

"Okay," I looked through it. "The moment he escaped is... right now!"

I watched the security footage and saw the Joker drop the bottle Brainaic had been captured in, shattering it and setting him free. A moment later, Brainaic used his own technology to get out of the asylum.

"Joker..." I muttered, not turning around.

"What?" He asked.

"You freed Brainaic, didn't you?" I asked him.

"What?!" Joker acted surprised. "You're just being silly!"
"There's no point in denying it," I told him. "I have the security footage right here."

"How'd you get that?!" Joker asked me.
"If you had been listening," Lex pointed out. "She just asked the chief for it."
"Oh..." Joker muttered. "Right... I knew that... I was just, uhh, joking! Like I always do! Heh, heh..."

"Sure you were," I didn't buy it.

"Alright, alright," Joker admitted. "So I accidentally set him free... I was just playing around... He looked so adorable in that bottle, and I couldn't resist teasing him!"

"It's okay," I assured him. "Now that you're with us, we can make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Umm... about that..." Joker began.

"Yes?" I pressed.

"What's today's date?" Joker asked.

"Ugg... we don't have time for your games, Joker!" Batman muttered, folding his arms.

"No, but seriously, what's today's date?" Joker asked again.

"Monday..." Batman grumbled.

"April...?" Joker pressed.

"First," Batman finished.

"Soo.... uhh... hate to break it to you, Batsy, but..." Joker began, grinning. "APRIL FOOLS!"

He and the rest of the villans bolted out of our secret hideout, all except for Penguin, Mister Freeze, and Riddler.

"Well," I tried to look on the bright side. "At least they don't know our password..."

"5547860!" Joker called over his shoulder.

"Well... at least we can change the password?" I shrugged.

Everyone glared at me.

"Right..." I began. "I'll get on that right away!"

I went outside to the door and entered a new password 0000000.

"There!" I smiled. "They'll never guess that one!"

"Ugh..." Batman grumbled. "Why are you on the justice league again?"

"Because you think I'm cool," I responded.

"Is that supposed to be a joke based off the fact that you have ice powers?" Batman pressed, sounding a bit irritated.

"I dunno," I shrugged. "Bat's up to you."

"UGG!" Batman groaned. "Let's all just- the city's saved for now, but who knows what those guys'll be up to tomorrow, so we'd better started planning!"

"Master Bruce!" A voice called from behind us. "Master Dick!"

"Huh?" We all spun around to see Alfred the butler.

"It is way past your curfews! You must get to bed!" Alfred insisted, walking up and starting to drag the both of them away.

"Well," I sighed. "Even if we don't have a plan, we'll still take them down, right?"

"Right!" The other heroes agreed.

"And let's not put them in the same cell as Brainiac this time," Superman added.

"Right," We all agreed, and with that we all went our separate ways, back to our houses.

The city was saved once again.

Screen fades to white.

"Ah, yes, a white screen," I breathed, taking it all in. "Don't all great movies end in white? Well, it's blue now, deal with it."

I snapped my fingers and the screen changed from white to a light blue color.

"I'm sorry, that was a bit harsh of me, wasn't it..." I apologized. "Well, anyways, the movie is over now. I mean, there's gonna be scenes after the credits and whatnot if you're a dedicated fan and you want to stay for all that... but if not, I'll see you around BYE!"


Lego DC: Flash FreezeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora