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Special region (JSDF base)

General Kōichirō Hazama office

"You all have done well!"General Kōichirō Hazama said

"Thank you sir."Everyone in the room replied

"According to drone reports collected over 3 days all of you here have wiped out a total of 50000 enemy troops.25000 at Italica, 25000 at the river Sirius."General Kōichirō Hazama said

"The kryptonian heat vision display is awesome it was as if the sun came down and burn everything."Ellie said

"Ok everyone it's been a few days after the battle now I got a new mission for you all here."General Kōichirō Hazama said as he pull up a screen.

The screen shows markers where concentration of enemy forces are.

"The imperial army seems to have given up on mass charges and have proceded to lay traps for our troops to advanced in.Drone footage and intelligence gathering from the americans have shown the Saderan building underground networks tunnels burrowing down into the earth.Many mages are spotted building the defensive lines creating earth golems"General Kōichirō Hazama said

"To hide from our air power.The imperial army have retreated into the forest surrounding Alnus hill.We are planning a breakout.Due to this we need to secure 3 very important cities.
First the city of Vaultris named after the lake next to it which means it has a large fresh water supply, the lake is connected to the sea through the river Thames so if we take this city we can solve the water problem for our refugees at Alnus hill not only that we can cut the imperial army of the source of water in this region.The second target is the city of Herm yes named after the Saderan general,the city is vital because of the food it grows it also supplies food to the imperial army in the region.Third target is the city of Loy this city produces weapons for the imperial army such as swords, spears you name it is there except for magic that is for Rondel."General Kōichirō Hazama said

"So we are going to take the 3 cities what about Rondel?As so far the only things that gives us trouble is magic."Shino Kuribayashi said

"Rondel will be at a later time as the city is now as of now beyond the reach of our armies except for the air force let's start small first."General Kōichirō Hazama said

"Let's take the city of Vaultris first.The lake it has can relieve some of our water problems."General Kōichirō Hazama said

"General if I may I would like to interrogate grand mage Rakken."Rory said

"I would like to talk to Rakken as well."Rojoll said

"Same here."Olsera said

"Sure.The rest of you I suggest you all to get some rest as the assault will begin in a few days when the logistics are ready."General Kōichirō Hazama said

Special region (Interrogation room JSDF base)

Rakken is not having a great time in his life.First trying to kill the angels of death to avenge grand mage Godasen death lead to him losing his hands. The pesky male angel of death froze his hands solid and broke it off there is no honor in freezing your enemies this way.

He awoke in a cell far different he was then told his other grand mage Hora was killed by the female angel of death.The cause of death is revealed when the female angel of death burned Hora brains with her fiery eyes.

Hatred filled his heart.

"I will have my revenge!"Rakken shouted

"I would like to ask some questions."Rory said as she entered the room

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