Aftermath part 1

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Several days later

"The kryptonains abilities seems to be growing stronger than experts predicted there are now concerns that the abilities of a kryptonian are not constant but are constantly evolving many scientists called it like a virus mutating to be more efficient"-CNN

"In surprising news Hollywood has expressed a great desire to hire the kryptonians to star as various superheroes in movies as one of the directors mentioned that due to the kryptonians abilities lesser money can be spent on special effects"-Entertainment Tonight

"Ever since the arrival of the kryptonians there has been an explosion of light novels about Isekai kryptonians.There are now many animes to be made about kryptonians"-NHK news

"Dice has shown a new game called Battlefield Krypton it is supposed to be set during the Era of expansion.It seems that Dice and Activision are competing with each other to pump out content about Krypton wars of expansion"-IGN

"Call of Krypton may be set to release a  zombie mode in the game"-IGN

"Should kryptonians be hired in the entertainment industry?"-euronews

"There is now a debate on whether to let the kryptonians compete in the Olympic games"-BBC

"NASA and the European space agency has expressed a great desire to hire the kryptonians to send their spacecraft to orbit as it will help them to reduce cost"-CBC news

"There are rumors that the kryptonians completely destroyed several planets in the Falmart solar system if it is true then we are looking at a whole new level of power.If this is true legislation must be passed to restrict the kryptonians from unleashing such power ever again as no one deserves such power as the saying goes absolute power corrupts absolutely"-BBC

"The war in Sadera has ended but at what cost?"-The economist

"The US and Japan are expected to come up with a replacement government for Sadera."-ABC News

"What will happen to our kryptonian friends considering that the war with Sadera has ended? Which country's citizenship will they receive?"-MSNBC

"Opinion piece:The kryptonains must remain neutral in world affairs."-Wall Street Journal

"Protestors are accusing the US military for genocide in using nukes against enemies that only uses medieval weapons."-France 24

"There are massive demonstrations in Berlin today many Germans are accusing the kryptonians of the destruction of uninhabitable planets in the Falmart solar system."-DW news

"Many scientists are asking the kryptonians to donate their blood samples for study to cure diseases."-NHK news


The war with the Saderan empire has ended but the political consequences of unleashing so much destructive force have damaged the standing of the US, Japan and the kryptonians thus they are supposed to meet in the UN to explain why such extreme forces are used thus third recon team,Ryan squad,Rojoll and Olsera are sent to the UN for questioning.

When Rojoll and Olsera are about to enter the UN building they are stopped by guards saying that they must surrender their spears as it is a weapon but the kryptonians argued that their spear contains vital footage about why they used such force on their enemy.A heated argument soon erupted but after several minutes of arguing a compromise are found.The kryptonians will play the footage on their spears to allow a computer to record the vital footage after it is done Rojoll and Olsera flew to the peak of mount Denali the highest peak in the US where they placed their spears there.Their spears can been seen glowing with kryptonian symbols before fading away.

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