Strait of Dumas situation

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Special region(Eastern shoreline of the Strait of Dumas)

"Laurelin we need to move quickly!The monsters seem to be breeding from the substance that was leaked out of the huge corpse in the strait!"Zara exclaimed at her daughter to keep up with her.

"Yao we need another way to reach the otherworlders!"Zara exclaimed

"We need to find a way to cross to the western side of the strait!We have made it this far we can't just turn back now!"Yao exclaimed

Special region(Undersea Palace)

"What in the name of the gods happened why is there a strait in the place of where the Dumas mountain range once was!"Queen Elyssa exclaimed

"My queen according to my spies not long ago the angels of death fought against an ancient horror of the first age that was sealed in the Dumas mountain range.The battle is so fierce that the entire Dumas mountain range got destroyed in the process creating a new strait in the process."The mermaid head spy replied

"By the gods the kryptonians abilities are getting more and more absurd.We must appease such beings to not incur their wrath.We all have seen their might when they helped us to slay the kraken."Queen Alyssa shudder in fear of the kryptonians might when she remembered how much power the kryptonians unleashed on the kraken which send the lands and seas of Falmart into turmoil.

"Elyria my daughter I want you to meet with the kryptonians once again and tell them we are willing to help to make a bridge for them and their allies as I think they want to cross over the newly formed strait and to lay siege to the capital of Sadera."Queen Alyssa said

"Of course."Princess Elyria said

Special region (JSDF Alnus hill base)

General Kōichirō Hazama office

"Sir,we have a problem regarding the strait of Dumas."Akira Yanagida said

"What is it?"General Kōichirō Hazama asked

"Me and Rojoll have already slayed the devourer what else is going there?"Olsera questioned

"I think you should see this by yourself."Akira Yanagida pointed at his screen.

"What are those things?"General Kōichirō Hazama asked

"Great Rao I don't remember so many monsters in the area when me and Olsera fought the devourer."Rojoll said

"It seems to be monsters rampaging across the shorelines of the newly formed strait."Akira Yanagida said

"Is all of the strait affected?"general Kōichirō Hazama asked

"No, only where the devourer blood seems to have settled.It seems that the devourer blood is spawning monsters."Akira Yanagida said

"How many?"General Kōichirō Hazama asked

"Too many.We need something to purge the lands of devourer blood effects."Akira Yanagida said

"The sunite gems! Remember those gems can be used to fight against black magic!We can drop one of those gems into the newly formed strait!"General Kōichirō Hazama suggested

"You mean the gems that were forged in the ancient city of Dorian which captured the light of the kryptonian heat vision?"Akira Yanagida asked

"Yes.We have 2 of those gems at our disposal.We can drop one in the strait to purify it.I don't know if it will work but we have to do something.Akira get one of the sunite gems and hand it to the kryptonains so they can toss it into the strait of Dumas."General Kōichirō Hazama said

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