Reporting part 1

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What are the true capabilities of the kryptonians it seems that with each passing day the powers wielded by our kryptonian friends seems to be growing stronger-The Economist

Cult leader pastor Yap has called for his followers to 'take a crusade against the non-believers' this has lead to an uptick in violence across the world-MSNBC

Reports coming out of the special region suggest that the moon of Falmart have new 1500km caynon with a depth of 10km is created after the kryptonians took a demon captain onto the surface of the moon to kill it the resulting battle tore the moon the caynon-CNN

Many experts are saying combating the church of Krypton is hard as the followers have reached 500 million worldwide it is the fastest growing religion in the history of humanity-CBC news

Hello good morning my fellow followers it seems that in the special region our lord and lady have killed a demon and their wrath have ripped a gash on its moon 1500km long and 10km deep that is divine fury manifested upon the mortal world!Many scientists have said the powers shown are not possible but in the end is all true my fellow followers it seems the elites are finally trembling in fear as they can't use their false prophets to stop the word of god anymore! Tremble and kneel before our lord and lady-Pastor Yap podcast

Activision have released a demo about the great anticipated game called 'Call of Krypton' however many critics have called it a disaster due to the game trying to pack 100000 years of interstellar warfare into one single game which is a near impossible feat to do-IGN

Amazon have announced that they will be making a tv series about Krypton Era of expansion however many people have low hopes for Amazon to get it right with some even calling for Amazon to not do the show-IGN

In recent news Disney has announced that they will be making a musical about Krypton many are wondering how will Disney accomplish such a feat-IGN

In a more shocking news a Australian farmer couple has carved kryptonian symbols onto their fields according to them they hoped by carving kryptonian symbols onto their fields will yield greater harvest.According to experts this is worrying as the cult grows stronger-60 minutes Australia

Germany has increased the penalty for those caught worshiping the kryptonians to 10 years in prison this is done to combat extremist-DW news

UN secretary general has suggested that in order to combat the church of krypton the world needs to find a way to injure a kryptonian as according to the secretary general once a symbol of divinity becomes injured it is no longer a divine symbol and people will fight it however this has led to intense backlash from all countries saying that this is way too extreme to take due to the nigh indestructibility of the kryptonians.Many are calling for the resignation of the UN secretary general  and for a new one.-Sky news

According to the CIA there is a group of scientists called 'For humanity' according to the intelligence committee the scientists in the group wants to dissect a live kryptonian and retrieve Kryptonian technology so they can harness a kryptonian powers and technology for the greater good of humanity -ABC news

Although the kryptonians are the most powerful beings on earth and in the special region there are disturbing reports of the way the kryptonians conducted their battles such as massive devastation to the lands where the kryptonians fight which had traumatized  those who have seen their powers first hand especially the civilians-CGTN

Japan (Ginza)

"Well we are back.It is good to be on earth."Arthur said

"Yea at least there are no zombies here or demons."Ellie said

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