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More startling news coming out of the special region that our kryptonian friends sunk an entire landmass into the ocean there during the battle with the kraken-CNN

Pentagon has released credible reports that Russia,Iran and china are developing anti-kryptonian weapons-NPR

Could our kryptonian friends trigger a new arms race?-The Economist

North Korea has banned the kryptonians from flying over their territory-MSNBC

North Korean officials have threatened the use of nuclear weapons on US allies if the kryptonians fly over the DPRK-Fox news

Many nations that are hostile to America have invested heavily in developing anti-kryptonian weapons with the sole goal of killing them-PBS

Russia has banned the kryptonians from their air space with threats to nuke the kryptonians if they flew over Russian airspace-CBC news

Cults have sprang up all over the world worshiping the kryptonians as gods.The amount of worshipers have skyrocketed to 100 million worldwide many experts worry that violence may soon be coming-ABC news

Can nukes stop the kryptonians if they turn on humanity?-The Economist

Due to the destruction of lands in the special region caused by the kryptonians many activists are
petitioning for restrictions to be placed on the kryptonians to ensure they don't use their land shattering strength in battle-BBC

In order to combat the rising cults in worshiping the kryptonians many middle eastern countries has banned any worship of kryptonians in order to combat extremist-France 24

Germany has passed some laws banning the worshiping of kryptonians to combat extremist anyone caught worshiping the kryptonians may face imprisonment of up to 2 years-DW

Many anti hate organizations have called Germany a wonderful example in quelling the cults of the kryptonians and urged many more nations to do the same by passing the same laws-DW

Should the Geneva convention cover alien powers too?-The Economist

An influential kryptonian worshipper called Pastor Yap who founded the church of krypton has demanded to be let in to the special region to meet the kryptonians as political pressure are building up due to pastor Yap's large following of cult members-BBC

Cult leader pastor Yap has been let in to the special region to see the kryptonians as political pressure has finally won-BBC

Special region (JSDF Alnus hill JSDF base)

Guest Room

"Join our alliance against America geopolitical rivals."CIA Agent Jake

"Look at the files we have shown this are firm evidence that America geopolitical rivals are building weapons of mass destruction to kill you two.So president Dirrel has given you two a deal which is always to side with America during geopolitical events and in return you two shall be both be protected by the US government sounds like a pretty good deal isn't it?"CIA agent Abraham said

"This is a win-win deal for everyone here.America get two indestructible beings on their side for geopolitical events and you two get protection from the most powerful nation on earth."Jake said

"So this 'Iran' is building gravitons weapons to kill me and Rojoll."Olsera said as she looked at the files presented.

"Yes that is troubling isn't it?There are nations out there with the sole purpose of killing you and your friend here."Abraham said

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