Part 18

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The bus was loud. By the time it gets to Keeley's neighborhood, it's already packed since the school isn't very far from her house. Keeley and Ann were forced to stand in the middle of the bus because all the seats were taken. Ann was offered a spot by her group of friends, but she declined it, so she didnt leave Keeley hanging. Keeley appreciated that. As the bus rolled along, hitting bumps and potholes, Ann and Keeley were thrown around, clinging to the back of the seats beside them. Eventually, the bus came to a screeching halt, flinging Ann and Keeley forward slightly. They planted their feet so they wouldn't fall forward. The door of the bus slid open, and everyone on the bus rushed off, pummeling Ann and Keeley as they went.

Ann's friends walked past her and Keeley after they all climbed off the bus. One threw themself at Ann, knocking themself into her while laughing with the others. Ann furrowed her eyebrows at them, scrunching her face into an intimidating one. "Have fun with your new friend,'" one of the girls from the group called sarcastically, followed by a rumble of giggles. Keeley looked at Ann; She was frowning. This time she seemed upset by the comment, or maybe just the person who made it. After seeing her face, Keeley wrapped both arms around Ann's right arm and walked with her that way to the school.

Keeley stopped at her locker and let go of Ann's arm. "Mine is still a little way down the hall," Ann said, her voice lower than usual and her posture offset. "You dont have to hang out with me...." Keeley said, looking down at the floor. "What?" Ann questioned. "I don't need you to be my friend if you dont actually want to," Keeley stammered, still facing the floor. "I want to be your friend!" Ann assured, placing her hand on Keeley's shoulder. Keeley shook her hand off. "Do you? Or do you feel bad for me?" Keeley said defensively. Ann stood in shock, then clenched her fists and furrowed her eyebrows. "I get it... you realize who I am, and now you don't want to be seen with me anymore... typical," Ann scoffed, her eyes welling with tears. She stormed away, leaving Keeley alone in the hall. Keeley ran into the bathroom to cry for the second time that week. The only difference is that Ann wasn't there this time to pick her up, splash her face, and make her feel better. 

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